Effective Use of the World Wide Web

CS006 Winter 2024 Collective Framework

Welcome to the wisdom of our students, distilled into code and insight, ready for you to explore and absorb.
We invite you to peruse through these interactive cards, draw inspiration, and perhaps, reflect on your own "Three Musts" or "College Hacks".
Our hope is that this vibrant mosaic of shared wisdom will inspire, guide, and resonate with you, wherever you might be on your life journey.


"Places" — was not just an exercise in web development, but also a unique and meaningful exploration of the curiosity students have gained during their time at UCR.
The students were asked if they had to narrow down three places that they have visited before or wanted to dearly visit in the future, what would they be and why?
The website we've created together is more than just a digital space— it's a living repository of collective excitement, ingenuity, and a gift to future generations of UCR students.

Three Musts

Welcome to our insightful collection of "Three Musts" — an anthology of guiding principles and life lessons, curated by the diligent students of CS006.
Throughout this course, the students explored their personal philosophies to derive "Three Musts," or cardinal rules that they have deemed indispensable in their journeys.
This unique compilation allows our students to reflect on their journeys of growth and learning, to distill their experiences and beliefs into invaluable nuggets of wisdom. Containing multitude of unwritten rules these interactive cards are testaments to the diverse experiences, insights, and values of the UCR student community.


We want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to every student who contributed to this project. You've not only learned the technical skills to build an engaging webpage, but you've also harnessed the power of shared knowledge, creating a resource that will benefit fellow students for years to come.
Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and for making this course a success. It has been a joy to see you all grow and evolve, and this project is a wonderful culmination of that journey.
As you move forward, may you continue to learn, to share, and to hack your way towards success. Congratulations on completing the course!

- CS006 team