Effective Use of the World Wide Web

College Life Hacks


Image of a statue in the middle of a botanical garden in Huntington Library, CA

San Marino, California

A place in San Marino called Huntington Library is a must go for nature lovers and people who appreciate the beauty of life. It would be one of my top places I recommend other people to go to because it's not expensive and you can stay there for a long while. It's a beautiful place to take photoshoots at. I consider it as my favorite places to go to because you can learn about different places and also artworks! San Marino is also a beautiful place in general since it is in a rich suburan area

Vietnam containing food and a motorcycle

Saigon, Vietnam

I'd like to go to Vietnam because it's the motherland. I would want to go with my family and experience a new country with my brothers. Going here would also allow my siblings and I to get closer to our heritage and learn about our parents childhood. Vietnam is a great country, mainly for its delicious food. It could also be known for the usage of motorcycles. People use this as their transportation and no vehicles stop so people have to walk without stopping or there will be a crash

Big rave festival in Boom, Belgium called Tomorrowland

Boom, Belgium

Tomrrowland is held a big rave festival held in Boom, Belgium, being one of the largest electrnoc music festivals in the world. It's held for nearly a week with a variety of artists performing. This is a place I would to go to, mainly to attend this concert and because Belgium is a beautiful country. I've heard many experiences of people online how this was a life changing event and there is nothing else that could compare. From bass music to house, this event is the place for EDM lovers

 meditation is key

Stay Positive

If you can stay positive you can have a better outlook on life. Everything will be a brighter tone and you will not look at life so miserably

 nice helping hand

Be Kind

Being Kind to others is a fundamental rule to being a human and living amongst others

 Money Motion

Stay With the Motion

Never stay put and always stay in motion. If you stay content and comfortable in a position it can be hard to get out of that slump. So by constantly having motion and having something going on for your life is a great way to live

 Brushing teeth

Brush my teeth

As soon as I wke up and before I do anything else I must brush my teeth. I brush my teeth 3 times a day since I get pretty germaphobic with my mouth. I have never missed a single day of brushing my teeth and it's the leading reason as to wwhy I'm cavity free

 Walking dog

Walk my dogs

I walk my dogs for an hour every single morning. I do this in order to have them get all of their energy out and be able to relax while I'm at school. Doing this walk every day has also improved my tolerance for cardio and allows me to get my steps in for the day

 Doing makeup

Do my makeup

I get myself ready every day even if it's a very light amount of makeup. Doing this makes me more confident, and when I feel confident I tend to work a lot harder. I also enjoy that I have something to look forward to since I love everything about makeup

Must 1

Continuous Learning

Embracing each day as an opportunity to learn and grow is a fundamental principle. Whether it's acquiring new skills, gaining insights, or adapting to change, the commitment to continuous learning shapes a meaningful and fulfilling life

Must 2

Resilience and Adversity

Life inevitably presents challenges, and developing resilience is key to navigating through them. The ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to unexpected detours, and maintain a positive outlook in the face of adversity is a must for a well-lived life

Must 3

Kindness and Empathy

Recognizing the importance of kindness and empathy in interactions with others is a timeless rule. Understanding and acknowledging the shared human experience, treating others with compassion, and fostering meaningful connections contribute to a richer and more interconnected life

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Make a plan

Through the formulation of daily task plans, you can clarify your goals and directions, and formulate specific plans and action plans according to the goals, so that life or learning can be more directional and targeted

keep reading

Keep reading

Reading is an activity that can enrich our knowledge and mind. In the Internet information age, reading is no longer limited to paper books. Reading electronic books is also a good choice, which is more convenient for us to read anytime and anywhere


Keep in touch with your friends

No matter how far away we are, we should keep in touch. Even if it is an ordinary day, we should greet each other. Regular contact is the key to maintaining a relationship, so that the relationship can be stronger, to convey warmth and love

 sleeping cat


Personally, I am a big advocate for people to get the proper amount of sleep. For me, it's a little more necessary as I'm anemic, and I try to get as much iron as I can but I feel very weake sometimes. A power nap or a few extra hours of sleep at night really help to make a difference

 the scales


A big must for me every single day is finding balance in myself and my emotions. My daily mantra at things that anger or sadden me is "I accept the things I cannot change and I guide my energy another way". This really helps me to be a grounded and kind person in my daily interactions

 helping hands

The Golden Rule

One thing I will never not abide by is the golden rule we learned in kindergarten. "Treat others how you want to be treated". I try my hardest in every situation I am in to treat those around me how I wish for them to treat me

Bed made neatly

Make my bed

I find it important to get up out of bed after I wake up and make my bed even if its not a completely hotel style made bed. I feel as though it keeps me disciplined and keeps my space organized. In addition, I make sure my bedding is always fresh and clean by changing it out and washing regularly

Glass cup half full of water

Drink water

Physical health is important and a lot of it relies on what goes into our bodies. I make sure to typically drink only water and drink it regularly throughout my day to keep myslef hydrated and healthy. It can be bad for your organs and overall performance to drink unhealthy drinks with no hydration

Woman asleep under covers

Get daily sleep

I am guilty for being someone who pulled all nighters frquently as I grew up but have learned to understand the importance of getting adequate sleep every night. It will lead to overall positive effects in the future and make sure I am able to take care of what I need to each day with enough energy



Everyone needs friends, and in doing so you're branching out to many more opportunities and chances. Connections with others builds bonds and trusting relationships

Self Respect

Self respect and Confidence

Ensure the wellbeing of yourself. It's fine to be an altruist, but your priority should be on you. Picture your relationships like tending a garden, you can fix another's garden, but if you only focus on their's, then your's will fall apart



There is such thing as having too much fun. Don't skip out on what is essential for something that is momentary. Discipline will shape you as a whole and show your strength mentally

working-out brain

Strong Mindset

I aspire to have a prositive and set mindset that no one can tear down. It is important to set your mind to something that no one can change your opinion about

shattered head


I personally struggle with my personal image and believe it is the root to many of my problems. Everyone should be okay and love with the way they look to themselves, not everyone else

over stimulated brain


Having a head full of emotions or thoughts can over stimulate people. I plan to work on my communication skills to help open up space and not feel unheard or overwhelmed

 Express Gratitude

Must 1: Express Gratitude

One of the most important lessons I was ever taught, express your gratitude and never take anything for granted. Count your blessings, but show them respect as well. Be more appreciative of everything, people don't understand the gift of simply waking up each morning. Love life

 Stand Up For Yourself

Must 2: Stand Up For Your Beliefs

A pivotal teaching moment in my life occurred when I cowered down in the face of adversity. Don't be ashamed, embarassed, or afraid to stand up for what you believe is right. Regardless of topic, stand up for yourself and what you believe, because who else will?

 Love Yourz

Must 3: Love Yourz

In this game of life, we are all dealt different cards. It is guaranteed that someone out there has a better career, nicer house, more lavish cars, but that should not affect how we view what we have. Don't let others' lives impact the gratitude and joy you have towards yours

 Continuous Learning

Continuous Learning

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

 Health and Well-being

Health and Well-being

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat

Community Contribution

Community Contribution

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

 A place to sculpt

Positive growth

The gym is a place that gives me a reason to wake up in the morning. It is a place that helps sculpt my body. Working out helps me have a better mindset

 My favorite food

Nutrition for health

Food is such a must considering that we need nutrition for life. I love to eat but eating healthy is the best way to have a happy mind. Tacos are my absolute favorite food to eat

 My therapy

Daily therapeutic sessions

Music is my therapy. I need music in my life to aid my focus. Music helps me get through any situation and thats why I depend on it so much

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Must 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 2

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 3

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

 Picture of a notebook with goals written on it


Goals provide direction and purpose in life, guiding individuals toward desired outcomes and helping them stay focused and motivated. By setting clear goals, people can measure progress, overcome obstacles, and ultimately achieve personal and professional fulfillment.

 Image of two hands holding


Companionship is vital for emotional well-being, providing support, understanding, and a sense of belonging that can alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation. Meaningful connections with others foster empathy, communication, and personal growth, enriching life experiences and contributing to overall happiness and fulfillment.

 Image of a table full of food


Substance is crucial for sustaining life, providing the necessary nutrients and energy for bodily functions and overall health. A balanced diet rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients supports physical well-being, cognitive function, and immune system strength, contributing to longevity and vitality.


Be Punctual

Be aware of Time. Timekeeping is very important especially after entering the world


Be More Interactive

I need to come out of my shell. I want to interact more with people


Healthy Mind and Health Body

Keeping a balance betwee the body and mind is very important. The body will suffer if the mind fails and the oppisite is true

calm turtle in the water

Make Good Decisions

To think about the decisions you make in life is always imporatnt think about what makes you a good or bad person and always choose wisely about the things you do before doing them

 relaxing view of a port filled with boats

Be Inspired

To be inspired by something is always good having soemthing to look foward to in life and to be positive about your future

 panda eating bamboo

Peace and Happiness

To have peace in a world that has none is very important being able to be happy in situtions where happy isn't any option

 Finding Goodness in Every Situation

Finding Goodness

Ultimately, finding goodness in every situation is a choice. It may not always be easy, but by actively seeking out the positive aspects of even the most challenging situations, you can foster a more optimistic and fulfilling life

 Stay Positive

Staying Positive

When you adopt a positive mindset, you not only improve your mental well-being but also attract positive energy and opportunities. By focusing on solutions and possibilities instead of dwelling on problems, you'll find yourself more resilient in overcoming obstacles and more open to new experiences, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and successful life

 Dot Le Challages , Challange YOU

My Challanges Don't Define Me

Your challenges don't define you; rather, it's how you tackle them that matters. Instead of being hindered by obstacles, learn from them, adapt, and work smartly toward achieving your goals. In doing so, you'll not only overcome the barriers in your way but also grow stronger and more resilient in the process, ultimately reaching success on your terms

Hands giving another a paper heart.

Help Everyone

Alturism is key to a flourishing society and a intrinsicly rewarding life. I believe that we should help anyone and everyone that we are capable of helping, and those who we are not capable of helping, we should point them in the direction of the help that they need

Man Holding a Knife behind his back

Do No Harm

Suffering can be enacted on one person from another. It is important that we take no such act to inflict harm in any form on any other person except for purposes of self defense or defense of others

Hand Holding food to a small bird

Keep Your Words Worth Gold

Honesty is the best policy. I believe that strong charactered people have words worth gold, that is to say they speak only truth and keep any promises they make soley for the reason of keeping themselves trustworthy

 A man overwhelmed with tasks to do


Responsibility is super important in college and life afterward. It helps students manage their schoolwork and personal stuff. When you're responsible, you take charge of what you need to do. This leads to getting better at things, reaching goals, and feeling good about yourself

 A mug with a positive message

Positive Thinking

Thinking positively in college can make you healthier, tougher, and better at relationships. It helps you handle stress, bounce back from tough times, and get along with others. This positive attitude can lead to more success in college and in life afterward

 Group of women socializing

Social Grace

Social grace is the ability to socialize with others. It is allows you to build deeper connections and be able to talk with everyone and anyone around



Honesty is something that gets me through each day. It could be honesty with other but mainly honesty with myself

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My friends are the most important people to me. Friendship is to getting through each day

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Finding joy in day to day things helps you appricate life. There is many ways to find joy, whether its from hobbies or friendship or food

 fireflys escaping a jar to spread happiness

Must 1

Just as fireflies must escape a jar to radiate their natural glow freely, happiness is an essential must in my life, allowing them to release their inner light and navigate through challenges with resilience. Just as the enchanting dance of liberated fireflies illuminates the night, genuine happiness empowers me to shine brightly, fostering a sense of fulfillment and purpose. In both cases, liberation and joy are intrinsic to unleashing the true potential within

 guitars and instruments in a room

Music Must

Music serves as a must in my life by becoming a companion through various phases, providing solace during challenges, and amplifying moments of joy, making the rhythm and melody an integral part of my personal narrative. Its unique ability to express emotions and create a profound connection makes music an essential element, enriching my experiences and contributing to a soundtrack that reflects my individuality. In essence, music is a constant source of inspiration, comfort, and celebration, making it a vital must in shaping the tapestry of my life

 dog laying on the ground

My Dogs being a must

My German Shepherd is a must in my life, embodying loyalty, intelligence, and companionship, forming an inseparable bond that enhances my daily experiences. As natural protectors and devoted friends, German Shepherds bring a sense of security and joy, making them a must-have presence that enriches my life with their unique blend of love and unwavering loyalty. In their steadfast companionship, German Shepherds become an integral part of my support system, contributing immeasurably to the warmth and fulfillment they bring to my everyday existence

 coffee with cookies

Take breaks

It is easy to get overwhelmed with homework and studying, so taking breaks is very helpful. Take time to relax and give your brain a chance to think about something else

 granola bar

Carry a snack

Schedules are packed and there is always things to do. Carrying a snack can help when you don't have time to eat a whole meal. The snack can help you for a bit and then once you finish you can eat


Have headphones with you at all times

Music is important. It can help people focus and it can down out the noise. Headphones are a good thing to have especially at school, just not in class

man looking at sunset

Must 1: Always be true to yourself.

It is a must to always be true to yourself. Real happiness comes from within. No one else can take that away from you

shaking hands with heart

Must 2: Treat others the way you want to be treated.

It is a must to treat others the way you want to be treated. It gives others the respect to make their own choices. Treating others well gives you the chance to seek the good in all people

engraved rock with trust

Must 3: Take responsibility for your actions.

It is a must to take responsibility for your actions. You can earn the trust of those around you. It can lift the weight off our shoulders



Growing up I was always told to be empathetic to others' perspectives and needs, and that will always stay with me



I will never allow myself to give up, esepcially given the career path I'm on. I have to persevere through the difficulties I face


Mental Well-being

The most important thing to lead a healthy life is to ensure that I'm doing well both literally, but also mentally. Mental health is very important to me, and it's something I try to work on to be the best version of myself I can be

 Embrace Change and Uncertainty

Embrace Change and Uncertainty

Life is an ever-evolving journey filled with changes and uncertainties. Embracing change means being open to new experiences, learning from them, and growing. This principle teaches us to see the beauty and opportunities in the unknown, encouraging us to adapt and thrive in ever-changing circumstances

 Cultivate Gratitude and Compassion

Cultivate Gratitude and Compassion

Gratitude and compassion are cornerstones of a fulfilling life. Practicing gratitude reminds us to appreciate the beauty in our lives and the people who make it meaningful. Compassion encourages us to extend kindness and understanding to others, fostering connections and enriching our shared human experience

 Pursue Passion and Purpose

Pursue Passion and Purpose

Finding and pursuing one's passion and purpose injects life with meaning and excitement. This principle is about aligning actions with what truly matters to us, leading to a deeply satisfying and impactful existence. It encourages us to contribute our unique gifts and talents to the world, making it a better place for all



Community fosters a sense of belonging and interconnectedness among individuals, providing support structures and shared resources. Its importance lies in promoting social cohesion, empathy, and collective well-being, creating a foundation for collaboration and mutual aid that strengthens the fabric of a harmonious and resilient society. In essence, community serves as an essential pillar for the sustainable development and overall thriving of individuals within a broader social framework

 Propper Posture

Mewing Posture

Tongue posture, or "Mewing," is a practice often promoted by some individuals for potential health and aesthetic benefits. Advocates argue that maintaining proper tongue posture by placing the tongue against the roof of the mouth may contribute to improved facial structure, breathing, and overall well-being. However, its importance is subjective and not universally recognized or enforced as a societal norm. Live by the Mew. Die by the Mew



Punctuality reflects respect for others' time and demonstrates a commitment to shared expectations. Timely arrivals to appointments, meetings, and events contribute to the smooth functioning of social interactions and professional environments. The importance of punctuality lies in fostering reliability, efficiency, and trust among individuals, ultimately contributing to a well-organized and cohesive society


Must 1

You hvae to be a dawg and grind it out.

Aztec Roots

Must 2

Proud of my heritage and where I'm from


Must 3

Loyality is most important



Over the course of the past couple of years, I have learned the true value of puncuality, and how much of a difference it can make to show up on time



My mother taught me the true importance of being kind. People do not always remember what you did or how you did it, but they remember if you were kind or not



Respect is something that has to be reciprocated. People do not want to be around somebody who is disrespectful, and I make sure to always respect those who are older than me


Must 1

I must work hard to achieve my goals in life. Some things come easy and others may not, but I still need to put in the same amount of effort regardless


Must 2

I must make the most of my time every day. Every day there is a finite amount of time, which I must not waste as every second is valauble


Must 3

I must be kind to others and help others when they are in need. Other people may be less fortunate than I, therefore I should at least service the needy

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 2

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 3

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

Being Honest Picture


I believe that being honest is a great principle to live by. I'm not very religious but I do believe in the idea of karma and that what goes around comes around. So when you lie about yourself or others it will eventually come back to bite you

Living in the Moment Picture

Living in the Moment

While worrying about the future is very important I believe that living in the moment is even more important. This is beause if you can't live life while your living it, then when will you?

Surround yourself with good people Picture

Surrounding yourself with Good People

A large factor in how you live life will be based on the people you choose to surround yourself with. When you choose to hang out with unmotivated people you will be unmotivated yourself whereas if you choose to surround yourself with people who want to improve daily so will you


Must 1 Respect

Respect is essential in fostering healthy relationships, fostering understanding, and promoting cooperation among individuals and communities. It cultivates empathy, tolerance, and dignity, creating a foundation for mutual appreciation and peaceful coexistence in society


Must 2 Love

Love is fundamental to human connection, enriching our lives with meaning, fulfillment, and emotional support. It fosters empathy, compassion, and unity, nurturing personal growth and creating bonds that transcend differences, ultimately shaping a more compassionate and harmonious world


Must 3 Reflect

Reflection is crucial for personal growth and self-awareness, enabling us to learn from past experiences and make informed decisions for the future. It fosters mindfulness and introspection, allowing us to understand our values, aspirations, and areas for improvement, ultimately leading to a more purposeful and fulfilling life

 Be Available

Be Kind and Available.

I like being kind and available to those I care about. If someone I care about needs me to meet up with them or needs me to do something for them, I try to be as available as possible


Learn from Everyone

I believe that we can learn from almost anybody and everybody, regardless of their age or position. That's why I try to be open to learn about everyone around me, even if they are younger or less experienced than me

 Alone Time

Take Alone Time

I like my alone time. I'm pretty extraverted, but at the end of the day, I need my alone time as well. I usually use that time to wind down and take care of myself

heart locket


On a day to day basis I must be loyal to myself and others by listening to what they have to get off their chest. This helps me learn more about the other individual and if what they are saying to me will be beneficial in my life or if they just need a person to lean on



Kindness is another one of my must haves because everyone lives life differently and they teach me to not judge anyone for the way they do things. I believe if we wake up being kind to ourselves, the more our kindness will reflect on others to do the same

magnifying glass


There is so much the world has in store to provide for us, but that is only possible if we have the ambition to wake up and make things possible. I love learning about different cultures and backgrounds, so that is why I find curiosity to be an essential in my daily life

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Must 1

Dragons, mythical creatures of immense power and majesty, captivate the imagination with their serpentine bodies and fiery breath, embodying both fear and fascination in countless tales throughout history. Legends depict dragons as guardians of vast treasures or formidable adversaries, their presence evoking a sense of wonder and adventure in the hearts of those who dare to encounter them

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 2

Aston Martins are fancy cars that look really cool and go super fast, making people feel fancy and important when they drive them. They're like the fancy sports cars you see in movies, but in real life!

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Must 3

Jordans are popular athletic shoes known for their stylish designs and comfort, favored by many for both sports and casual wear, making them a fashion statement on and off the court. Whether you're shooting hoops or strolling around town, Jordans bring a blend of performance and style that's hard to beat



To be benevolent is to treat others with good intentions. The desire to show kindness and bring positivity to interations with others



Having integrity means following ethical principles and standards regardless of the situation. Be truthful and treat others with respect



Having humility means to be modest and not be arrogant. Acknowledge one's flaws and learn from others

 holding hands

Live Life Without Comparison

I have realized that a huge trigger for mental health problems come from comparing ones life to another. To break this habbit is to truly be happy with yourself and life not worried about others

 Cross Jesus

Have Faith

Based on my own experience at first having my problems believing in faith, god, or a higher being in general. I have learned that everyone should always keep faith whether in themselves or in a god


Take Risk

Nobody get anywhere sitting still doing the same thing over and over. People need to embrace the unknown rather than be scared of it, taking risk only leads to experience and oppurtunity

an image of a book next to a coffee mug that says be honest


Remain honest, especially honest to yourself. It is infinitely harder to solve problems when you push the truth further away

a golden retriever holding a flower in its mouth and looking into the camera


You can not go through life alone. We are social beings and we need to connect with others. Stay loyal to the people around you and in return they will stick with you for a long time

a girl by the coastline, arms stretched wide and embracing the wind.


Find a good balance between work and health. It is okay to take breaks and mental health days in order to heal yourself after pushing yourself so hard. Fresh air is important to breath

Woman holding her hands over her heart

Protecting your Peace

Protecting your personal peace is really important because it leads to a happier and less stressful life. Protecting your peace looks like focusing on yourself, not holding grudges, and learning to forgive but not forget

To-Do list

Prioritizing Responsibilities

Learning to prioritize what matters is something that is very helpful to keep order in your life. This looks like creating a game plan or outline, executing it, and then reviewing to see what is left or needs more work. This can help save time in the future



Consistency creates a sense of balance in your life and it helps you know what to expect and have an idea of your future. This means you push through until the end and you get bigger rewards for staying on track despite the hardships


Must 1

In my life I want to get sixpack. I have always been a bigger man growing up and having sixpack would fix that


Must 2

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat


Must 3

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur


Nature and Wilderness

get more in touch with nature and visit more wilderness parks



Have a more positive mindset and always look ahead and care for myself


self care

Learn to be happy with myself and always be proud of how far ive came

 Admit Your Sorry When Wrong

Must 1

Admitting when you are wrong or out of line is the first step into becoming a mature adult or better yet, a person who can be trusted

 Clean After Yourself

Must 2

Clean the mess left behind when there is no more work to be done so others won't have the burden to clean other people messes in order to become a more reliable person

 Disgree Without Argument

Must 3

When a topics is being discussed and there is an disagreement, make sure to think clearly on what you actually want to say, then speak in a clear and calming tone

dogs-I have resized all 3 of these images over 15 times now, ive made it go all the way to 50bits as the image storage and it still wont load.


Loyalty is very important to me with everyone in my life. Loyalty is what keeps family and friends close and happy

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Responsibility is also very important to me because without it I would get no where in life. I need responsibility to progress in life and without it I would be stuck forever

 add descriptive alt text here


Lastly, reliability is important to me because being there for one another is what creates great frienships and relationships. Without reliabiliy we cant be good friends or family members

 positive mindset

Positive Mindset

Cultivating a positive mindset not only brightens the present but also lays the foundation for a hopeful and resilient future

 courage and confidence


Confidence is the key that unlocks doors to success and self-empowerment

 honesty and faith in others

Honesty and Trust

Trust forms the bedrock of strong relationships, fostering connection and mutual understanding

 Basketball Hoop


This is a basketball hoop as it is the sport I have played all my life. No matter what is going on throughout my life, basketball has always been a fun activity to get my mind off things

 Classroom Chairs


School is very important to me as it is my way to do what I want in life as well as to make money

 DJ mixing music


Music is a huge part in my life. I always listen to music to get me through the day

 Working a part-time job

Working a part-time job

I want to get a job while in college. I think a barista job would be a good must

 Going on a walk

Going on a walk

I have always loved going on walks. I want to push myself to go on more this year

 Doing homework

Doing homework

Doing homework is a must. It gives you diligence and teaches you productivity


Stay Fit

Keep your physical fitenss always as it not only impacts how your body feels but also how your mind works. A strong body is a strong mind

no matter how hard stay in it

Work Hard

Adversities are faced everyday. Some harder than others however, no matter how daunting the task you must work hard to push through

Maintain your health

Grow Everyday``

To stop growing is to roll over and die. Our bodies work best when focusing on growing

Chilling in Pool

Must 1

I must take some time out of my day just to relax


Must 2

I must take the time to perfect some of my studying habits


Must 3

I must ultize my creativity more and create more artworks

black and blue image representing karma


Believing in karma is one of my musts, because it helps keep me aligned with positive values. Believing that negative actions will come back to you in the future and following the "golden rule" helps me judge my actions before I make them

black and tea image representing friendship


Friendship is another one of my musts because I believe that human lives are special because of the relationships we can form with each other. Such relationships teach me a lot, such as what values I believe in. The memories I make through friendships are very important to me

black and green image representing creativity


Creativity is one of my musts because I believe it helps me understand life from different perspectives. Aside from the arts, I believe that at its core, creativity is essential for understanding new perspectives

duotone bunny pink and black


It is important to be kind to others because one never now what the other person is going through. Everyone is fighting their own battle and shoing kindness over all makes a better world. Being kind won't harm anyone but being unkind not only harms other but ones self as well

 duotone pups in the snow


Valuing family is very important for me because they are the ones that keep me going. Family will always be there for you even in the hard times and have been there for me since day 1. When I spend time with me family it is always a joy and lifts my spirits

 duotone wolf on a hill


When reaching ones goals you can't always rely on motivation to keep you going. You have to have discipline in order to get anywhere. Discipline is when you show up everyday not matter up with out fail, even when your having abad day or even when its a good day. It doesn't matter you show up and do the work

 cat relaxing


A rule of mine is to always have time to relax, especially after a long day. This can be mentally or physically, usually I like to order in food to watch a movie, listen to music while drawing, or even taking a nap

 group of girls talking


Another rule of mine is to try to socialize everyday, whether it be face-to-face or through the phone. I mainly learned this because of the quarantine in 2020 where I found myself talking to people more by texting

 girl sitting by lake

Go Outside

My third rule is to go outside more to get some fresh air. I usually go outside to my yard, but if I have the chance, I enjoy going to places that have many trees and plants

man upset holdling his head


One must never try to cause suffering

Arrow to happiness


One must always try to provide happiness

Gold bars laid next to each other.


One must not do something strictly for riches

yellow happy cat


I believe that life is meant to be enjoyed and that no success or monetary value can compare to happiness. Whether that be with your friends or your family, experiecning the joy of life and trying new things or going on adventures is a necessity

pink healthy cat


Health always comes first. You only have one body and it works nonstop to make sure that you are at your best, so I believe that you should always take care of it. Health is the most valuable currency along with time and they go hand in hand

blue honest cat


Although I do not believe living a completely honest life youre entire life is necessary, there's a fine line between how to control your honesty. Staying true to yourself and your values should not be compromised at the expense of someone else

coffee shop phone

Put the phone down

When I am talking to a friend, family member, or even stranger, it is the respectful thing to do to be engaged in the conversation and not go on our devices. This also applies to when a friend shows you a movie, video, or tv show they like. Going on your phone during the film comes across as rude


Be kind

It has been said again and again: treat others how you want to be treated. This is an important unspoken rule that everyone should have because it creates a better, safer community

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Tip your waiter

I find it important to tip your waiter or waitress because of the hospitatility they show you when you eat at a restaurant. The price of tipping is completely up to the customer, and anything can make a difference

heart made out of flowers

Must have love and compassion

It's important to have love and compassion in life towards yourself and others because it helps you grow as a person. Make sure to love things like nature as well because we are a part of nature too

resilience blocks

Must be resilient

There are going to moments in our lives where were going to fail and we have to be resilient to move past our failures in order to succeed. We would be stuck in a stagnant stage if we didn't have resilience

lighting brain

Must have confidence

Along with resilience, we must also be confident in ourselves and what we're doing. Of course, whenever we fail we tend to lose some confidence but we have to maintain a good amount because without it, we also wouldn't get over some things

 Golden Rule

Golden Rule

The Golden Rule serves as an ethical framework guiding our interactions with others. When we treat others in the way we want to be treated, we create a cycle of mutual respect. This principle contributes to the establishment of a positive and supportive environment, in which we could have healthy and positive relationships

 Truth and Honesty.png

Honesty and Truthfulness

Being truthful is essential for building and maintaining trust, it promotes transparency in personal and professional interactions. When we are honest and truthful it creates an environment of trust, in which we can be open about our intentions and actions

 Take responsibility for your actions.


Taking responsibility is crucial for resolving conflicts , when we are accountable for our actions it provides an environment for open communication and problem-solving. Accepting responsibility also allows us to learn from our experiences and self-reflect

egg and toast

I must always eat Breakfast

There are always things that get in our ways when we are trying to get through life, and sometimes it may seem like there are more important things to be doing over eating, but food is the fuel of life, Which is why I must always remember to eat breakfast first thing in the morning


I must always Have Respect

All the people of the world are human being with lifes and goals of their own. As a result it makes a lot of sense that people would believe differnet things and have different preffrences. As such, I understand that I should always respect others and their personal lifes, even when i disagree


I must have Balance and Patience

I have learned from experience that waiting is an important action that can be advantagous in many situations, like waiting for a sale on your favorite game, or patience in developing a friendship, or a skill. but i have also learned more recently that sometimes action is also important, If you want something, you can't expect to wait for a perfect opportunity, especially for something that you don't fully understand

 Must 1

Must 1

Courage, nobility, royalty, strength, all those come in mind when I think about the lion

 Must 2

Must 2

I love the hunger games because of the Mockingjay, how it is represented as a rebellion against the capital and I feel like sometimes we’re too scared to speak up for what we believe in

 Must 3

Must 3

One thing is for certain that whenever we lose motivation, and we feel like nothing‘s gonna get better, we have to have hope and faith

a picture of a sign that says to stay apart

Must 1: Personal Space

It is important to respect the personal space of every person. Every person deserves to have their space away from people

a man who is covering his sneeze by having a tissue

Must 2

Covering your sneeze is important. It not only shows respect to other people, but helps prevent infections from spreading

blocks of letters that spell out 'thank you'

Must 3

It is important to show people respect by saying both please and thank you. It shows a sign of respect for people putting effort into assisting you

Two people talking on a scale


Honesty is something that needs to continue to be used throughout one's life. Honesty allows you to be your true self and to build real and healthy relationships. One should rely on honesty to help them achieve greatness

A person handing a heart to someome


Kindness is a virtue that I strive to continue to show. The characteristic is something that not only helps you grow as a person, but to also help others around you improve

A man and woman that are hugging


Something that has always been hard to maintain is forgiveness. Forgiveness is something that needs to be learned by many, as people need to forgive others to build relationships, but they also need to forgive themselves



My first must that I will always live by is being unselfish. I believe that what you give is what you get, so if I give positivity and kindness into this world, I will gain the same back



My second must that I will always live by is being happy. Happiness is the most important part of life. Life is too short to be sad, so I always want to live life happy to enjoy every moment



My third must that I will always live by is to work hard. Working hard will always get you closer to the result you strive for. There is a famous saying that goes hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. I think this quote is very inspirational and I live by it every day

 Drive safe

Driving Safely

Driving is an essential part of my life, I must be careful and cautious at all times behind the wheel

 Eat Healthy

Eating Healthy

To live a long and healthy life, my diet needs must be met healthily

 Sleep Well

Sleeping Well

Sleeping well is essential to healthy living, one cannot function without proper sleep

group of people talking


Always stay curious and open to new experiences – it's the best way to keep learning and growing. Similar to joining a group or club, it can result in learning new skills and forming lifelong relationships

girl meditating

Simple Pleasures

Spend some time relaxing and savoring the small things in life, such as going on a hike or watching a movie. It's essential for maintaining balance and happiness despite the stress of everyday life

man with a surf board

Passion for Hobbies

Keep the passion for your hobbies alive – whether it's playing soccer or traveling to new places. They make every day exciting, add meaning to life, and give a sense of accomplishment

City of Japan


Tokyo,Japan was one of my favorite places. I'm into the japanese culture and the food as well. When I went to tokyo I ate all kinds of foods and saw the best views. The night life is also amazing because you get to see all the lights. -C.V

City of Madrid


Madrid,Spain is another place that I've been to. The sites are amazing and the atmopshere as well. I'm a big soccer fan and I go to see my favorite team play. Also, the langauge in Spain is great and very fun to speak. -C.V

City of Berlin


Berlin,Germany was one of the best countries that I've visited. The weather was the best because it cold and the sun was out. Berlin has so much history to it. Also, the food was really good. It was mostly sausages and french fries. -C.V

love duotone png


Love is the centerfold, its the focal point for a fruitful and abundant life. I love how this concept is subjective, individualistic, yet universal. Love rejuvenates hope, instills faith and allows for life to be re-born, relived and purposeful

 flowers png


I love recieving and giving flowers. Flowers to me repersent harmony, beauty and grace. Flowers are the centerfold for many occassions and bring anyone joy at their arrival and arrangement

clothing png


Clothes instills confidence, and outfit embodies creativity and it captures one's identity. I have fallen in love with clothes, the concept of creation and the emphasis of confidence and comfortability that is portrayed through one's choice in pieces and accessories

Letters arranged to spell, Say Thank You

Practice Gratitude

Cultivating a mindset of gratitude can transform your outlook on life, helping you appreciate the present moment and find joy in simple pleasures

Letters arranged to spell, Fall Seven Times Stand Up Eight

Embrace Resilience

Life is filled with challenges, but resilience enables us to bounce back stronger and wiser from setbacks, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth

Letters arranged to spell, Listen Learn Love

Foster Kindness and Empathy

Treating others with kindness and empathy not only enriches our relationships but also creates a ripple effect of positivity and compassion in the world around us

goup of people sharing a laugh with each other and high fiving

Joyful Moments

I have learned that happiness is a choice and laughter is a great way to act on happiness. To add on, laughing or sharing a genuine joyful moment with other helps build connections. Happines is important because it improves our attitude of not giving up during tough times and finding a sense of fulfillment

An opened book with reading glasses on top

Expanding our Knowledge

As for my second must, I beleive and resonate with "knowledge is power" because educating yourself can put you a step futher than others. Knowelwdge is limitless, therfore, can expand an indivudal’s creativity to seek newer posiblities or ways

littel girl sitting in the grass

Relationship with Nature

Connecting with nature is my third must becuase it's taught me how to stay grounded and enjoy the moment by reducing anxiety, stress, and more. To add on to being in the moment, as humans we rely on interactions and while connecting with nature we can pay attention to the small things, connect with others, and gain experiences. For example, being nature's presence, it allows our immagination to wonder and see the little things like the flowers bloom or how the wildlife interacts with the world

Short Hair Portrait

Dye your Hair

My favorite artist, Melanie Martinez, has split dyed hair. Ever since discovering her, I also wanted dyed hair like that

Kiss under the Umbrella

Kiss in the Rain

What can I say? I am a hopeless romantic who loved the Notebook

Fancy Piano in a Room

Play an Instrument

I am a singer but what's a singer with no music? I want to learn the piano or the harp


Getting Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is very important because it allows you to think clearly and improves your mood. Getting a full eight to nine hours of sleep also can reduce your stress levels


Treat Everyone with Kindness

Treating evryone with kindness is important because it creates a healthy enviornment for everyone. One act of kindness can lead to another



It is important to be greatful for everything because it makes you focus on the important things in your life. It is good to take a minute and reflect on what you are thankful for

A light green and brown tinted journal showing the days of the week on paper

Always Have A Planner

Planners - regardless of the form - are a good start to organization. From bullet points to sentences, planners allow me to finish (most) assignments on-time

A blank, open journal with an ink pen and other items on top

Have An Outlet

Whenever something goes wrong, I release my emotions onto paper or phone through art. It allows me to improve my drawing skills while ensuring I don't lash out at people

A chair with a stack of clothes on it, all in a green-black tint

Prepare For Tomorrow

Although I'm horrible at meal preparations, I always make sure to prepare my clothes for the next day. This way, I feel more responsible for myself and still find the task easy enough to not procrastinate



Motivation is the internal engine that propels individuals to pursue their aspirations and overcome challenges. It encompasses a combination of intrinsic desires, external influences, and personal goals, fueling determination and perseverance. Cultivating a supportive environment, setting clear objectives, and celebrating progress are essential components in maintaining and enhancing motivation throughout various endeavors



Discipline is the cornerstone of success, embodying the consistent effort and self-control required to achieve one's objectives. It involves adhering to a structured approach, staying focused on priorities, and making deliberate choices that align with long-term goals. By fostering discipline in daily routines and decision-making, individuals cultivate resilience and drive, enabling them to navigate obstacles and realize their full potential



Optimism is the radiant outlook that sees opportunities amidst challenges, fostering resilience and hope in every situation. It's the belief that setbacks are temporary and that positive outcomes are achievable through perseverance and determination. Cultivating optimism not only enhances mental well-being but also inspires proactive problem-solving and a mindset primed for growth and success

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 1

My must 1 is a photo of a cupid statue. Cupid signifies love which is somehting that is very important to me. I believe that it is a must to love and cherish those all around you

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Must 2

My must 2 shows a lotus flower. Lotus flowers signifies peace which is something that is important to me. Peace with yourself and others is a priority

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Must 3

My must 3 shows a firefly which is a symbol of happiness. Happiness is essential to me and everything that I do. It is what I chase everday


Must 1

I believe in forgiveness. Forgiving yourself and forcing others without holding hate and grudges is like a superpower. It is powerful because it allows you to have peace of mind and sets your heart free. It gives your body, mind, and soul the opportunity to love and grow again


Must 2

I always encourage kindness because everyone is worthy of it. Just because the people around you may not be nice, it does not mean we have to copy their behavior. Don’t let ugly make you ugly. People’s behaviors are a reflection of themselves


Must 3

I like meditating, and it is something I always recommend to people. Meditation can be very helpful in times of sadness and distress, but it is also beneficial as a habit on a daily basis. Meditation can not only help you relax, but it also allows you to feel your emotions and control them better