Effective Use of the World Wide Web




Must 1

Have something to look forward to every day

 two cats.png

Must 2

Keep being joyful

 cat on books.png

Must 3

Stay on top of things

A three representing growth mindset.

Growth Mindset

I belive it is time to belive that I am capable of doing great things, of challenging myself and trying new things. This is why one of the must is growth mindset, I need to keep in mind that failure does not define my capabilities

A person swiming representing perseverance


Perseverance is one of the key elements to success. Continually doing something that is and will do good in your life, despite failure and challenges, is what one must do to have a better life and grow as a person

Hands and sun representing peace

Peace of Mind

A peaceful mind is the key to a life full of happiness. Trying to avoid stress and not overthinking are ways to maintain a peaceful life

A photo of a phone checking an email

Must 1

One of the things I must do everyday is checking my phone. Not because I want to, but beacuse there are always people that need to contact me. For example, my parents, my friends, the organizations I'm in and hold responsibilty for, and the list can go on. I can not imagine a day where I don't check my phone

A photo of a phone on the Spotify home screen with some Apple Airpods next to the phone

Must 2

Music has always been such a big part of my life. I can't imagine a day without listening to music. It's one of the ways I connect with people the most. I go listen to live music in my free time. I know amazing people because we've found common interest on the music we listen to. I also feel like what kind of music you listen to tells you so much about someone

Scrabble tiles spelling out 'Love Your Life'

Must 3

Everyday I think it's really important to appreciate everything for what it is. I think especially in this day and age hustle culture is so overwhelming and it really gets to people. As much as I understand how important hustle culture is, I think it's also important to slow down and appreciate what's around you and the current time you have

Woman walking in a kimino under Japanese pathway

Talk A Daily Walk

Whether you feel overwhelmed or you've simply been cooped up all day, taking a walk at least once a day will help to improve your mood while giving you a bit of excercise. Incoporating a walk into your daily routine will help you with getting some fresh air and giving you a much needed break from work, school, or any weighing duties

Image of a laptop, coffee mug, written notepad, and a phone on a work desk

Be Productive Daily

Being productive everday will help to lighten your workload throughout the week. Cleaning up, getting ahead on work or assingments, or tending to neglected tasks daily will help you feel accomplished and will motivate you to continue being productive and help you overcome bad habits of procrasination. Even just completing a little bit of work or doing a single chore makes you feel better about the day and yourself

Image of two little girls holding hands and walking outside together

Hang with Friends Weekly

Hanging out with your friends once a week will give you something to look forward to and helps to maintain a strong relationship with them, and gives you a break from your work or school life. Maintaining a healthy balance between your work/school life and your social life makes your life more enjoyable, and helps develop your social skills

 Alphabet Blocks Reading the Phrase, Real is Rare

Be Real

The phrase "Be Real" is a versatile phrase to live by. It encourages us to be our authentic, honest and genuine self within our thoughts and interactions with people. Staying true to ourselves is important as we should embrace our strengths and weaknesses which ultimately promotes integrity, self awareness and connections within those around us as well as ourselves

 Two Martial Artists Paying Respect by Bowing to One Another Before Match


Respect is the foundation of harmonious relationships and understanding in society. It acknowledges the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, practicing empathy, trust, and cooperation. By embracing respect, we create a culture of tolerance and appreciation for diversity, which enriches both personal connections and collective goals

 Sign Outside of Establishment that States, Yall have FUN now Ya Hear!?

Have Fun

Life is too short so we should make the most out of it. Often at times we are worried and fearful of what may come in the future that it inhibits us from experiencing and living our lives to the fullest

Photo of a healthy yogurt bowl

Practice Self Care

Practicing self care could change your day in an instant. By taking care of yourself, you'll feel better and set yourself up for success by caring for yourself

Weeekly planner that has been kept updated

Keep a Planner

A planner is a great way to make sure you're staying on top of your schedule and managing your time responsibly. This is especially useful to clear the stress of having to remember everything by being able to refer to your planner

Sign that says yes

Say Yes More

Though it might be easier to say no, saying yes could expose you to more experiences you wouldn't have had otherwise. You may meet new friends or discover new things about yourself when you decide to say yes more

Must stay conscious and calm while driving.

Must 1

Must remain mentally calm and clear when driving

never touch drugs

Must 2

Must stay away from any type of drugs that is addictive

never gambling

Must 3

Avoid gambling, stay away from people who are gambling addicts


Must 1: Determination

My first must is that I must stay determined. By doing so I am able to push on in my goals and achieve my dreams. I have to stay determined no matter the odds in ordee to succeed in life

 Friends and Family

Must 2: Friends and Family

My second must is that I must care for my friends and family. No matter what, I have to take care of those around me. They make me who I am, and without their support I wouldn't be who I am today


Must 3: Happiness

My last must, is that I must be happy. Over anything else I have to be happy, if there is no happiness in life there really isn't a point to things. You may do things that make you unhappy but wealthy but if the money doesn't make you happy then what's the point


Everything Happens for a Reason

I believe that everything in life happens for a reason. Every decsion made or not made served a purpose in the greater scheme of life, therefore everthing must be taken into account since all actions has consquences


Kindness is Infectous

Everyday I try my best to be kind and helpful to everyone I encounter. Life is difficult as is already, so by spreading kindess to others is a simple, but selfless act that benefits the collective

zen garden

Self Health

Taking care of ones self is also very important in life. Both physical and mental health should be prioritized in order to live a long and healthy life

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Must 1

Being polite is of the upmost importance and I beleive it is impossible to be too polite

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Must 2

You only live once so give it all you got

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Must 3

Negativity acheives nothing so spread positivity and Love life

women fueling herself with self love

Self Love

For as long as I can remeber self love has been taught to me by being the best type of love you can receive. Self love gives you the confidence, the patience,and all other needs that you would tend to look for in others. If you acheive the one rule of obtaining slef love you will continue to maintain a healthy relationship with not only yourself but others as well

animal dancing eith excitment


It's a known fact that life without any excitment would lead to some type of depression. It's crucial to alwyas add a mix of excitemnt in your life even if that means only once a week (try and aim for two times). When there is excitment in your life, it's known that ypour mood will improve knwoing that you have something to look foward to

 stairs leading to the mebrane indicating an open mind

Open- mindedness

When you're prone to open-mindedness you automatically live a cleaner life style, both inside and out. Keeping an open mind when it comes to school, relationships, your job, it will always keep you on the right track and allow you to strengthen everything that surrounds your life

apollo greek god


Just like Apollo the greek god of music,dance,sun and healing. Knowing how to cope, heal and move on from hard times and dissapointments

black cat


Like a black cat being vigilant is an amazing skill. Being observent knowing peoples next moves and being wary of possible danger

 ocean and ship


The ocean is an endless pit of mystery. Leaving some mystery not playing all your cards and setting them on the table


Must 1

We were all born to sing, whether we like it or not. Singing is an important primal ritual that rids us of all evil and reestablishes goodness and creativity within us. There is no such thing as breath unwasted while a human sings,and it is scientifically proven that singing reduces stress, negativity, and attracts partners. It's not a sin to sing; we must remember that


Must 2

We must dance. Dancing too is no sin; on the contrary rather, it allows us to relieve tension and attract romantic partners. Some dances are more efficient than others


Must 3

We must revel in warmth. To be warm is a good hearty feeling, and the cold brings naught but wickedness and filth, often. We should keep warm. It's especially important in a college setting

 Grit and never giving up


Grit is the ability to push through even when times get tough. Toughness builds chararcter which is needed to be a better person

 Positive thinking and mentality

Positive Mentality

Thinking positively affects the mood and state of a person. The way you think is the way you act, and the way you act is who you are

 Power of friendship and camaraderie


The ability to make friends and comrades are important for growth. Communication with different people is vital for connections and opportunities



I chose this destination as it looks very pretty and it is a destination on my bucket list. My family loves exploring the mountains, such as the Grand Canyon and Yosemite. I think this is a great family trip to go to



This destination reminds me of a carefree walk through the park. Often times we forget how much stress and pressure we face on a day to day basis and so during some moments, it is important to unwind and relax



This also is a future desitnation on my bucket list. I definetely want to explore these types of areas but also take great photographs like this artist did in this example. The clear scenery mixed with the colors of nature is beautiful

Women reading a book


It's easy to drown ourselves in our work or academics. The stress can be too much, but many people push forward without breaks. Take some time to distress, whether it be reading, or doing a hobby you love, take the time to give yourself grace, you deserve it!

Plate of Food

Must 2

It's easy to drown ourselves in our work or academics; it is even easier to neglect basic needs such as food. It is important to eat not only for your physical health, but your emotional health. Whether big or small, it is important to make sure you eat so you can feel energized and focused

Person on Edge of a Rock

Be Adventurous!

It doesn't have to be extreme as climbing up cliffs or jumping out a plane, but it can be trying a new food dish you wanted to try or trying out an activity for the first time. Treat yourself to new endeavours and it can open up a new world for you

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 2

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 3

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

 Peace of Mind

Peace of mind

Peace of mind is very important to me on a daily basis because keeping my peace together helps me continue with a positive attitude. I refuse to let my peace bee destroyed by another or anything becaus ethen it stops me from pushing to my best potential


Loving Heart

Growing I learned that no matter what being loving gets you a long way. No matter how bad someone be towards me loving them doesn't help them but it helps me to control my emotions and keep myself in check

 God at the Center

God at the center

A relationship with God is the biggest part of my life. Kepping God at the center keeps me going because He is my guide in times of need and I don't take it for granted

 happy face on concrete


Remember to smile even on the days that it seems impossible

 thank you written out on concrete

Be appreciative

Life isn't always easy but I believe it is a method in making us appreciate what we have

 girl looking happy

Admire yourself

Don't forget to give yourself credit for waking up everyday and love who you are inside and out

 person sitting on the ground meditating

To Breath and Relax

Sometimes when I'm overwhelmed it's hard not to overthink a situation and make it worse within our minds. So a reminder I give myself is to take a deep breath and relax before tackling a situation head on

 person writing a list

Don't Procrastinate

Whether this applies to working on assignments or life responsibilities, procrastinating hinders the process of living life. I've always been inclined to believe that if I get my boring or daunting responsibilites done first, I can enjoy my life without any stresses

 a bunch of bananas with googly eyes

Be a Little Silly

People are too serious about how they might appear outwardly nowadays. Stop being so strict with yourself and how others might perceive you. It's okay to be a little silly

Man helping others


In a world where kindness can sometimes feel scarce, actively choosing to cultivate kindness is essential. Treating others with empathy, compassion, and understanding not only fosters meaningful connections but also contributes to a more harmonious and supportive community. Kindness is a universal language that transcends boundaries and enriches the lives of both the giver and the receiver

 A man lost in the Woods

Preservering through Lifes Challenges

Life is unpredictable, and setbacks are inevitable. Embracing resilience means recognizing that while there may be road hazards and detours along the way, we have the strength to navigate through them. Resilience enables us to bounce back from adversity and emerge stronger than before.Life is unpredictable, and setbacks are inevitable. Embracing resilience means recognizing that while there may be road hazards and detours along the way, we have the strength to navigate through them. Resilience enables us to bounce back from adversity and emerge stronger than before

Jesus on the Cross


Forgiveness is a powerful tool that allows us to release the burden of resentment and anger, freeing ourselves from the shackles of the past. While it may not always be easy, choosing to forgive others, and ourselves, is essential for personal growth and inner peace. By letting go of grudges and resentments, we create space for healing and renewal, paving the way for greater compassion, understanding, and connection with ourselves and those around us. Forgiveness is not a sign of weakness but rather a testament to our strength and resilience in choosing to move forward with grace and forgiveness in our hearts


Be Kind

I want to be kind to others as much as possible. People go through enough negativity and a warm smile can be enough to make somone's day

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Be Respectful

I don't have to agree with someone for them to stay on my good side. To treat others the way you'd want to be treated is the golden rule

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Be Mindful

People have vastly different backgrounds that could relate to their actions. I understand that no one has the right to tell another on how one should live

 bathtub selfcare items


Dedicate time for rest, relaxation, and activities that rejuvenate your mind and body. It is okay to take a break from the fast, busy days that go by

writng, doing work

Set Boundaries

Establish clear boundaries to protect your mental and emotional well-being, and learn to say no when necessary

girl looking at nature, a hill


Embrace opportunities for growth and exploration . Stepping out of your comfort zone can really make a change in your life

woman covering ears with hands pointing at her

No One Cares

Always remember that other peoples opinion doesnt matter and everyone is focused on themselves. Other people arent focused on you so dont let what you think others are thinking affect your decisions on how you live your life

If not now, when?


Although responsibilities are important, always remember that you only live once. If you want to do something or go somewhere, do it for the memories

three friends laughing

Make good friends

Its good to have lots of friends around you, but be sure that these friends want whats best for you and want to see you succeed. Never be afraid to cut someone off if they cause you or others harm

 writing down what needs to be done that day

Make to do list

Making a to do list everyday in the morning helps me remember what I need to do that day in case it gets chaotic. Having a list ensures that i get everything done and dont forget important things, especially since I tend to get distracted very easily

 walks around my neighborhood or at parks

Go for walks

Going for walks helps me destress when I get super stressed over school or work, and also allows me to stay healthy. Finding parks to walk at lets me clear my head and feel less anxious about stuff throughout my day, and lets me feel ready to take on more challenges

 quality time with loved ones

Spend time with Loved ones

Life is short, and sometimes we forget to show appreciation to family, friends, and significant others so doing this daily helps me be grateful for my life. Spending time with them reminds me that there are good people who care about me, and remind me of why im doing what I am. It also helps me stay positive when times are stressful or on rough days

A chess board resembling strategy


It is important to go into life with a plan. Strategy can help you map out your goals and accomplish them

A man in awe at nature


It's important to not take things for granted. There's alot of potentail growth gained from learning gratitude

Hands interlocked for prayer


A prayer is significantly important for deepening one's faith. It's a powerful practice that is essentail for spiritual growth

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Leadership allows one to inspire others and be able to spread positive attributes in the community. Due to this qualities are developed that lead success

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Organization enhances productivity and a healthy balance between academic life, work life, and personal life. It helps to be bettter at handling challenges

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Self discipline empowers one to prioritize their goals and obligations that allow a strong foundation for future possiblities


Must 1

I will help those who need it, and those I care about. I will try my best to assist people who need it, to the best of my ability

Work Hard

Must 2

I must work hard in everything I do to reach my goals. Work hard to make my aspirations and dreams a reality


Must 3

I must care and protect my family. My family will always be the thing I love the most, both now and when I start my own family, I must always care for them correctly

 smiley balloon covering person's face


Smiling has many benefits becasue it releases endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. Which boosts the immune system and reduces pain, stress, anxiety levels and risk of heat disease

woman working on her laptop

Stay Focused

Staying focused has helped me memorize content from my lectures since I'm attentively listening. Focusing on just one things helps you more proficiently get it done. in addition giving a person your focus and attention helps cultivate your relationship, showing that you care

 hands holding one another

Practice Kindness

Helping people or just a passing complement makes a person day, the world would be better if everyone was happy

 Having patience


In life, you must learn to have patience. Patience is what will get you through stressful moments, so just take the time to derail the situation

 Seeing both sides


Having perspective changes the way you look at things, and can help resolve unneeded drama between people. By seeing both point of views, you can understand where a person's intentions are coming from

 Important to have fun in life

Have fun

It's important to just have fun in life. We only get one per life, so we cannot take advatage of that by passing up a good time to make memories

 Typewriter with empty page

Write your own story

Write your own story, be yourself in what you think and do. Don't let people control who you are, what you believe in and what you can be as a person


Live Your Life

Life is too short to be frustrated, to be anger at the small things. If you start letting bad habits get to your head they won't ever change in the future, live simple, be happy and don't let anything get to your head. Pain is temporary, Memories are forever

 Girls under an Umbrella

Help Others

Be a pillar of support for the younger generation, they are our future and they look up to us and observe everything we do as humans. Be a good role model for younger siblings or friends and family. They look up to you

Little girl tying another girl's shoelace for her

Be Kind

The first principle I stand by is to always be kind. I believe that kindness is not something that has to be earned, but freely given, whether it is reciprocated or not. Being kind is a strength, not just for me, but for someone else: it never hurts to be kind, because that kindness may just be the thing that helps someone else

Selfie of a group pf friends

Be Social/Friendly

The second principle I follow is to always make connections. By this, I mean I always try to make friends, be social, and maintain my relationships with other people, because making connections is something that is inherently human, and something everyone should know how to do

Woman pointing at herself

Be Selfish

The final principle is to always put myself first. This is something I learned the hard way: it isn’t selfish to put yourself first, and it is something that should be encouraged for everyone, because at the end of the day, you only have yourself, and thus, you should take care of yourself before anyone else

 Take a Roadtrips


Exploring isn't just traveling to different states and countries, but navigating through your short-term and long-term goals until you reach to your destination. There's no shortcuts to reach to a specific goal because it should help you track though the harardous signs and unaware areas to take upon the roadtrip

 Have a Growth Mindset

Critical Thinking

When it comes to thinking, most people have second thoughts or rationalize about their rights and wrongs about their decison-making. For example, you construct a LEGO set of roses, you either just start right away or being conscious about the instructions before building the set

 Playing Some Music


Music is a comfort sound for everyone to dance, study time, restaurants, and other locations where people enjoy the melody. Some music contains instruments, noise background, with or without lyrics, and type of genre where people enjoy hearing it from their own preferences

 wooden blocks spelling trust you


Honesty is a huge must for me as it dictates my actions and those I associate with. Honesty is something I value in myself and others because without it trust in any relationship is made difficult. Additionally I feel it’s important to be true to yourself which to me is only made possible with the application of honesty. Trust is something that is earned and when broken is never the same, this statement to me proves just how important honesty is to me

 person touching cats paw with hand


In this day in age kindness is not as easy to come by as it once was. The world overall is quite a sad place which is why kindness is a must for my life. Even small acts of kindness help make a big difference in people's daily lives and it can be beneficial for both the giver and receiver, ultimately helping to create a world that's even just a little bit happier. For these reasons, kindness is a must in my daily life

 chair on empty beach


Relaxation is one of the greatest things in the world that many desire and cherish, and I’m no exception to this. Relaxation is a must for me because without stress, anxieties, and other factors take more control of my life. However, with a little relaxation I’m able to recharge and take on any challenges that come my way. In the end I always look forward to the end of the night, after winding down and putting my troubles aside to relax, solidifying why it’s a must in my life

 family holding eachother looking out at the vast sea.


Family is a source of love, support, and belonging, providing a foundation for personal growth and emotional security. Through shared experiences and bonds, families create lasting memories and connections that shape individuals for a lifetime

 A paper sign bweing help up that says 'no justice, no peace'


Justice ensures fairness and equality by upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of all individuals within a society. It seeks to rectify wrongs and promote accountability, fostering trust and stability in communities

 Multiple children playing wia ball in a feild wioth trees.


Joy is a profound emotion that uplifts the spirit and brings immense happiness and fulfillment to one's life. It radiates positivity, fosters connections, and enriches experiences, making every moment more vibrant and meaningful

Man at top of mountain

Work Hard, Play Hard

Make goals and persue those goals. Don't stop until you achieve those goals

 Guy at beach enjoying life

Live your life

Don't be afraid to try new things. Put yourself out there and make new memories

 Tag saying to love yourself

Be yourself

Always be yourself, even if you might not fit in with others. Stay true to yourself and act as you really are

rocks on top of eachother


To be a good person you need patience and understanding. This value I had to learn the hard way and I am greatful to have it. Being patience is also very helpful for the indivduals mental health!

two daisys coming throughout rocks


Perseverance is the value that will help anybody achieve their goals, grow personally, and overcome obstacles. This is the ability to continue when things get hard

 water on surface


Clarity helps to define goals and be more grounded with oneself. This is a key for achieving success!

Discipline and gym

Must 1

Discipline is a huge must in maintaining consistency. Discipline allows for you to reach your goals and create a healthy routine mentally and physically. The gym is a prime example of where discipline can be built

Positive Mindset influence

Must 2

Having a positive mindset is a must in believing in yourself. This initiates a positive outlook on life and situations. A positive mindset is important for building confidence


Must 3

Relaxation is very important when hard work is in question. Rest is necessary for you to recharge your energy to continue working hard. Rest allows for decrease in stress and a boost in dopamine

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Always be grateful and thankful for the Life you have been granted. Being humble keeps one focused in their goal

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Like a Tiger, discipline is an important factor to the outcome of your goal. Self-control is crucial to ones development in their goals

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Having the triumph to overcome challenges and keep the desire for success. Climbing up the stairs even through pain to reach the top

Yoga Outside

Relaxed Mind

Being able to be keep your mind relaxed helps in so many ways. Constsantly being worked up and stressed has a negative impact on your everyday life

Hands holding a heart

Happy and Healthy Relationships

Having good relationships and people to take your minds off things and to have fun with in your free time is good for everything especially your mental health

Goals Planner

Setting Goals

Always have something to work towards is a way to keep going in life. You always have something to look forward to and a constant motivation in life

Value in Self-confidence


Confidence can take you everywhere. Self-confidence is a superpower. Confidence can lead to success

Value in Trust


Whether a friendship, family relationship, or business or personal partnership, any bond is built on trust. Without trust, you have nothing

Value in Love


We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving. Without we know we cannot live within



The Hummingbird a symbol of joy, as a reminder that life is full of joy. Take in the moments of joy and treasueit. Even with the simple pleasures of life



The waterfall represents patience, a reminder that for patience is a step towards achieving great power. Not to rush anything and to work through with patience and you shall get your reward



A dandelion it represents that in the time of loss or no hope there will always be a light and positive transformation

David Clode.png


Sleep is one of the best ways to start a happy and productive day. I choose the sloth because the sloth always takes it time, and is always fully rested

Matt Palmer.png

Fresh Air

Taking a break from work, assignments, and technology can have a good impact on you and your work. When you take a breath of fresh air it brings you back to life and helps you refocus



When you take your time, do all the steps carfully, and center youeself you will be successful. When you layout your day, time, weeks it helps you focus on the important things and keeps you motivated on accomplishing your goals

Sisyphus in green and black duo tone


Persistence is a vital quality for my daily life as a college student, providing the resilience needed to navigate academic challenges and personal growth. It fuels the determination to overcome obstacles, stay focused on long-term goals, and manage the demands of coursework, exams, and extracurricular activities. In the face of setbacks, persistence becomes a driving force that fosters a proactive approach, ensuring continuous learning and development throughout the college journey

Studying person in blue and pink duo tone

Willingness to Learn

The willingness to learn is an essential mindset for my daily life as a college student, fostering adaptability and intellectual growth. Embracing a continuous learning attitude not only enhances academic performance but also empowers me to navigate a rapidly evolving world by acquiring new skills and perspectives. It fuels curiosity, encourages open-mindedness, and positions me to make the most of educational opportunities, both inside and outside the classroom

Phone in pink and purple duo tone


Communication is a cornerstone of success in my daily life as a college student, facilitating effective collaboration, networking, and interpersonal relationships. Whether engaging in group projects, seeking academic support, or navigating social dynamics, clear and open communication ensures smooth interactions. It serves as a catalyst for building connections with peers, professors, and professionals, contributing to a well-rounded college experience and laying the groundwork for future endeavors

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 2

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 3

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

The Effiel Tower in Paris,FranceParis, FrancePerserverace means to keep pursing

Paris, France is known for its elegant and romantic ambiance, and is well known for its landmarks and hertiage

Jalisco Mexico surrounded by vibrant colorsJalisco, Mexico

Jalisco, Mexico is known for its vibrant culture and landmarks adorned by its rich culture, including its delious cuisines

joshuatree dessert with sunsetJoshuaTree, California

Joshuatree National Park is known stunning landscapes and a well-known landmark for those looking to take a vacation locally

 Dance like nobody is watching

Dance like nobody is watching

Life is too short to worry about what people think of you. Whether there's music or not, if you want to dance- do it like no one is watching!

 Always take pictures

Always take pictures

It is important to always take pictures of memories being made or things you want to remember. I always enjoy looking back at old pictures

 Don't chew with your mouth open

Don't chew with your mouth open

No one wants to hear or see you chewing your food. Please be polite and chew with your mouth closed

 a dog smiling


Loyalty is important because it is how you will know to trust the person. Knowing if they'll be faithful throughout the whole relationship

 grassy plants in the wind


Being calm and patient is the key to live a peaceful life. There's no point to always be stressing

 a single leaf being held


Seeing the beauty in the world and being grateful the things we get to witness. In other words, not to take things for granted


Finding peace

I think it's important for me to find peace in everything. I always feel off or negative about something and sometimes I think it's because I surround myself with negative energy whether that's people or the media and I just need to back myself away from that


Keeping focus

I'm often easily distracted and have such a short attention span that I feel like I always need to do something different. Picture represents that I need to stay on track and really keep focus

 never quit what you're trying to reach

Always keep trying

Often times there's challenges and feel like giving up, but that shouldn't be the case. We have go go through obsticles to see the victory on the other side as long as one keeps trying

 Self-love Mirror


In life, self-reflection is important because it helps us learn about ourselves and grow. Life, especially in college, can be messy and overwhelming. Self-reflection is about giving yourself time to process life, how it has affected you, and what to do next

 Butterfly and Transformation

Work In Progress

Everyone is a work in progress. You are a work in progress and I am definitely a work in progress. What does this mean? It means that you are still growing and changing. It means that you are probably a mess and that is ok because we are all unfinished masterpieces. It’s important to be kind to yourself and not expect perfection from yourself nor others

 Astronaut Adventure


Exploration goes hand-in-hand with self-reflection and being a work in progress. How are we supposed to learn more about ourselves and change if we don’t do anything? Exploration is about opening your horizons and taking the chance on something new. Exploration into the unknown can be terrifying. We may not know what to expect, but if we live through life following the same old routine then we aren’t living at all

 Ball with a smiley face on it sitting in water

Be Happy

My first must is to be happy. While it seems like a hard task, it is better to have a positive outlook on life and prioritize my own happiness and desires. I feel better about myself when I am happy; therefore, it is a must

 Sign with the words 'Be Kind' and a heart written on it

Be Kind

My second must is to be kind. Positivity is spread through kindness toward one another. I believe society can improve when humans are kind to one another. Kindness has a butterfly effect that can spread like wildfire

Man standing atop a hill holding up his hands in a heart sign

Be Loving

My third must is to be loving. I come from a large family that loves each other. I was raised to love my neighbor. Therefore, it is a must for me to be loving

Happy guy with dog


I find that positivity is one of the most important things to have in life. It not only affects us as individuals but also the people that are around us. I seek this everyday as I find it makes me a happy person and also contributes to the people around me

Skiing activity


I find that any sort of activity is extremely important to how we perform and what we enjoy. Whether that be going on walks, getting food, skiing etc, I find these all to give us as people a sense of completion and a reset from what we are occupied with

Happy relationships

Healthy Relationships

I find it very important to have people that we enjoy and value in our lives. Especially maintaing good relationships with these people, whether it be family, friends, or siginificant others. These people are there for us througn the good and bad and it's important to always make sure that they feel appreciated



Patience is the key to success. Remain calm and composed when dealing with difficult situations. The willingness to accept tolerance and understanding will conquer any challenges



Live life to the fullest, but keep it simple. Simplistic underscores the beauty and effectiveness of keeping things unclutteres. It teaches to appreciate the elegance in simplicity and strive of efficiency in our endeavors


Warm Hearted

Always keep a burning heart, but warm. It emphasizes the importance of kindness and compassion towards others. A warm heart can enrich a person's lives and those around them

Words that apply to optismism in a shape of a heart

Practice Open-Mindedness

Open-mindedness is important to practice on a day-to-day basis as it opens doors for new ideas and perspectives. This allows us to learn, grow, and to embrace the outcome of our day even when it does not align with our expectations. Being openminded allows for personal growth through adaptability and empathy

A magnifying glass hovered over the 'possible' in impossible to represent being optimistic

Be Optimistic

Being optimistic fosters a positive mindset, which can improve your mental health and well-being. It encourages you to strive for your goals with a positive attitude while being able to effectively bounce back from any challenges

A weekly planner to represent daily responsibilities

Be Responsible

Being responsible is a must as it motivates us to accomplish our tasks efficiently while building trust and achieving goals. It fosters personal growth and enables us to take ownership of our choices, thus contributing to a more fulfilling life

 add descriptive alt text here


Responsibility goes a long way in life. At the end of the day, you are in control of what happens to you and your future. Be responsible

 add descriptive alt text here


It never hurts to show respect to anybody. What comes around goes around. Put good into the world and you shall get it back

 add descriptive alt text here


Be resourceful. If there is an issue, think hard and solve it. Find a solution even if it is temporary. Make use of what you have in front of you

 Keep trying duotone

Keep Trying

One must I have is to keep trying to work towards any goals or wants. I want to make sure that I do not regret not trying something. Even if I feel like I should give up, I want to keep trying to see if it works out

 Rock tower balancing in duotone

Maintaining a Balance

Maintaining balance is another must I have since I don’t overwork myself or burnout. I want to balance studying, time for myself, and hanging out with friends. If I focus too much on one thing, I might feel stressed to make time for other things I need to get done

 holding out a hand

Helping Out Others

Lastly, I want to help out others if they need it. I want others to feel comfortable asking me for help or advice. Whenever I help someone, I feel accomplished that I could help them even if I had no clue what I was doing

women making a heart with her hands

Self Love

Self-love is the foundation for personal growth and happiness since it involves recognizing one's own worth and cultivating a loving relationship with oneself. Prioritizing self-care and recognizing our innate worth fosters resilience and inner calm, resulting in a greater sense of fulfillment and well-being

 women sitting down

Daily Gratitude

Daily gratitude is the habit of finding joy and fulfillment in small times throughout the day, noticing and enjoying the simple pleasures that bring enjoyment. By intentionally searching out and relishing these moments, we create a happy attitude and improve our general well-being

cross line

Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries is a crucial aspect of self-care and healthy relationships, as it establishes clear guidelines for acceptable behavior and personal limits. By respectfully communicating and enforcing boundaries, individuals assert their autonomy and protect their emotional well-being

 mirror shows a reflection woman holding a camera in front of her face

Focusing on Yourself

Life is too short to obsess over other people's perspective of you, what they are doing with their lives, who they dislike, or who they are dating. Fixating about how other people are living their lives can cause unnecessary comparisons, poor mental health, and negative energy. Focusing on yourself and prioritizing your own health and happiness is the most important thing one can do to live a high quality life

 a big boulder in a body of water with smaller boulders around it

Standing Your Ground

Like a boulder, you have to learn how to stand your ground and stay true to your morals. There might be people who will try to lead you astray, but you have to be strong and not give in to pressure. At the end of the day, you know what is best for you and no one should make you doubt yourself

 a dark tunnel with light at the end of it


There are going to be times when you might be in a dark place mentally. It is easier said than done, but persevere through it as best as you can. Continue fighting and pushing through the tough times because with time and effort, you will come out of the tunnel and into the sunlight

peace within


Peace within helps navigate the loud messy world while having love within. Having peace is being at easy with yourself

courage within


To have courage means to release fear to become a better version of yourself

Positivity within


Positivity is something that keeps one perservering through this world. To be positive means to be deserving and worthy of all good things


Be Grateful

Some people don't have adequate food, water, housing, or a number of other needs. Remember to be thankful for what you have, and help those less fortunate than you when possible


Connections are important

No matter in what avenue of life you're in, connections are always necessary, helpful, and better for you. Companionship, work relationships, love, family, maintain those connections, as they are crucial to a healthy life


Perspective is everything

There's no one way to approach a situation, no one fix, and always another side to the story. Don't get locked in your worldview, try and see things in whole and listen when other people explain their own perspectives, and see what can be gained from that

 snowy mountains

I must conquer Mt. Everest.

I have been trying to be more active in my life recently. I doubt I could go on a normal hike right now, so I must scale Mt. Everst one day

 a person in the air snowboarding

I must learn how to snowboard in my life.

Snowboarding is something that has always looked extremely fun to me. I have also been extremely afraid of it. That is why I must do it

A picture of space, taken by the hubble telescope.

I must explore space.

I don't care how I do it, but I have to explore space. It is so fascinating and terrifying to me

Uber pickup

Never drink and drive

One of my biggests musts is to never drink and drive. I think that's one of the most selfish thing someone could do as it's not only endangering yourself but others too. It's the one thing I'll call anybody out on because I really think its super wrong

 Sign that says Be Kind

Be kind to everyone

I always try to be kind to everyone! You never know what anyone is going through and kindess is free to give out. I cant say im always a ball of hapiness but I really try my best to smile at strangers or simply be a decent person to anyone I talk to

Sign that says if youre not outraged youre not paying attention

Stand up for what I believe in

Another must in my life is to stand up for what I believe in. I wont always feel support or have the most popular ideas but I think I should always try to stay true to my beliefs

 elder lady on wheel chair

Respect Your Elders

Showing consideration towards older individuals in certain culutures

 Table full of utensils and cups.

Dining Etiquette

Following traditional customs or manners when eating, such as waiting for everyone to be served before beginning to eat or using utensils in a certain way

 Group of Crowded People

Personal Space

Respecting the physical boundaries of others, such as not standing close to someone unless invited or maintaining appropiate distance in public spaces

boy stretching on yoga ball

Stay Active

Ensure to partake in some form of exercise throughout the week. Whether it be going on a walk or hitting the gym, staying active can play a crucial role in not just long-term health, but with mental health as well

three people watching sunset

Make time for Friends

It's easy to get wrapped up with work and with life in general. So, it's important to spend time with those who make you happy and to prioritize your friendships so that you can both build and be part of a strong support system

businessman staring at camera

Stand on Business

In order to put your best foot forward and present the best version of yourself, you must respect yourseflf and your boundaries. Ultimately, being about your business is being dedicated to your needs and meeting your obligations

cream pastries

Always Have a Sweet Treat

While it is always important to take care of your health and responsibilites, it is also important to treat yourself every day. Whether that is saving time to play video games before bed or going out for frozen yogurt after dinner, self care is what gives real meaning to life

girl in harajuku fashion

Always Wear What Makes You Happy

Life is too short to wear boring clothes in order to fit in. It might seem scary to wear something outside of the norm, but wearing clothing that fits your personal style does a lot for your confidence and happiness in the end

tidy living space

Always Keep Your House Tidy

It can become extremely stressful and damage your mental health if your living space is not clean and tidy. Never let the mess build up because it will get overwhelming

 Green leaf shaped heart coming out of a rope

Practice Gratitude

Cultivating a mindset of gratitude allows us to appreciate the abundance in our lives, fostering positivity and resilience even in challenging times

 2 baby angel statues hugging

Embrace Adaptability

Life is unpredictable, and being open to change and adaptable in our approach enables us to navigate obstacles with greater ease and flexibility

 a notebook with a a red heart infornt of a scenary green forest

Prioritize Self-Reflection

Regular self-reflection fosters personal growth and self-awareness, empowering us to make intentional choices aligned with our values and goals

Man with open arms

Open Mindness

Always have an open mind to new experiences by trying before judging

Birds flying


Accept your mistakes and dont dwell on them. You cant turn back time and erase your mistakes but instead have to live past them

Holding Hands


Be grateful for the things you have now. Dont be upset over things you dont have at the moment. Take in all you have in the present

 a koala bear sleeping on a branch

Establish Good Sleep Habits

You can't ever be functioning at your best if you are depriving yourself of sleep. Without a good amount of sleep each and every night you will likely become irrational, grumpy, and overall someone that others want to steer clear of. In order to truly unleash your full potential it is important to set some healthy sleep habits, and stick to them, so that you can be the best version of yourself

 someone handing a heart to another person

Practice Kindness

It's the golden rule, treat others how you wnt to be treated. The more you practice being kind to others, the more it will come back to you in a positive way. Next time you see someone struggling, or even if someone bumps into you, show them a little bit of kindness by helping, or apologizing since it will likely make both of your days a lot better

 a sign saying you got this

Stay Motivated

It is so easy to lose motivation, even when it comes to things that might be really important to you. However, if you focus hard enough on your end goal and keep reaffirming yourself that you can do something, chances are you'll eventually be there. Don't get in you head too much and just remember you're able to achieve whatever you put your mind to

Eat Healthy

Eat Healthy

Eating healthy is a lifestyle choice that means choosing foods that are good for your body. It's about eating a mix of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. This way of eating helps you keep a healthy weight, lowers your risk of diseases, boosts your mood, and gives you more energy. It's not just about what you avoid, like too much sugar or processed food, but also about enjoying nourishing meals. To do this, plan your meals, eat a variety of foods to get different nutrients, listen to when you're hungry or full, drink plenty of water, and don't forget to treat yourself once in a while

Be Kind

Be Kind

Being kind is a simple yet powerful way to positively impact the world around us. It involves showing empathy, compassion, and understanding towards others, regardless of our differences. Kindness can be as simple as a smile, a thoughtful word, or a small act of help, which can significantly brighten someone's day. When we choose to be kind, we create a ripple effect that encourages others to spread kindness as well. This not only improves the lives of those around us but also enhances our own well-being by fostering a sense of connection and community. Being kind doesn't cost anything, but its value is immeasurable, making the world a more loving and peaceful place

Embrace failure and view it as a stepping stone to success.

Embrace failure

Embracing failure as a stepping stone to success is a powerful principle for growth and resilience. It teaches us that every setback is not a sign to give up, but rather an opportunity to learn, adapt, and become stronger. Failure is an inevitable part of the journey toward achieving our goals, and it offers invaluable lessons that success alone cannot. By facing our failures with courage and an open mind, we can uncover our weaknesses, refine our strategies, and develop a deeper understanding of our true capabilities. This approach transforms the fear of failure into a motivating force, encouraging us to persevere and strive for excellence. Recognizing that each failure brings us one step closer to success can change our entire perspective on challenges, making us more resilient and determined individuals

buckle up

Buckle Up

I will always buckle up my seat belt in a car. It is important, so that people won't get severely hurt if a car accident happens

love you mom

Call Mom

Everyday I try to call my mom. Even if it's only for a few seconds, it just lets her know that I'm doing okay

Never fully dressed without a smile


Smiling is super important. It helps make first impressions and also helps boost serotonin levels. Just smiling at someone can make their day

trees outside


Appreciate small things in the world like being outside or silly made up games by children. Things like that are beautiful and it is amazing that that imagination and growth and creativitiy in the world happens naturally

completing a hike


Following through on commitments and working hard. With school, club, and gym commitments

hands in heart shape


Be caring to people around you

 Working hard

Work Hard

Working hard is the channel on our way to success. If we lose it, then we also lose our success



Brave is the key to overcoming difficulties. Be able to stick to your beliefs and decisions in difficult times without fear or being easily defeated



Change is a way for us not to be limited. It's time to make a change when we need progress

A woman enjoying the nature

Appreciate nature

We should always appreciate nature, its why we are here in the first place. Thats something a lot of people take for granted, and we don't spend enough time in it, its healthy for us to be with the environment

Girl saying shhhhh

Know when to be quiet

Life can be hard on you, and there are times where you can be loud about it. But most of the time, you shouldn't. You could, but you shouldn't, so bite your toungue and stay quiet until you know it is absolutely the right time to talk again.

Guy dancing on a rock because hes enjoying life.

Enjoy life

It is a very overused expression but its true. Life is to short to play it safe, you only live once, don't spend it worrying and cooped up in a room, go out and explore, do what you want to do