Effective Use of the World Wide Web



 take charge

Must 1: You must take charge of your life

It is important for me to remind myself of who is in charge of my life. I must remind myself of this fact to keep myself productive

 believe in yourself

Must 2: You must believe in yourself

If you dont believe in yourself, then no one else will. I set the example by believing in myself


Must 3: You must find peace in your daily life

It is important to savor little moments of peace found in daily life. This helps me keep a clear and healthy mind



Fire represnts one's will and passion. The brighter it shines the stronger it is. In life one's fire must be large to never give up

Red flower


The rose represnts the strngth and elgeance of a person. One must conduct themselves with passion but in a way that brings respect in an elgant way



The wolf reprsents leadership. The wolf is an animal that works in a pack and becomes a leader for his pack. A person who is a great leader is just like a wolf

 painting wall


Painting allows you to express you rinner artistc understandings of your world. I also make you focusfo for vwry long time and the satisfication of finishing it is very good

 listning music thorugh phone

Listning to the music

Listening to music allows you to make your feeling clam. FFinding new genre, or songs you like is fun

 garden patio

Going outside

As a college student who sit infront of compter for more than half of the day, going out to feel the sun light, wind, atomosphere, is very important to refresh yoursself. It is also good for your health

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Must 1

Take care of your skin, it's the largest organ on your body. We should take care of it

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Must 2

Take care of your skin barrier, always wear sunscreen. Even if it's cloudy, the sun can damage your skin severely

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Must 3

Drink a lot of water, we are mostly made up of water, we need it. Tiredness is mostly because of dehydration, best to avoid being dehydrated

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Must 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 2

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 3

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

4 pairs of hands clapping over a white background, light-orange with duotone


Treating others with a lot of respect is something that has been taught to me and many others since I was a kid. This image represent this important attribute as it shows many people clapping for one another. This is a common form of respect

A tower of carefully-placed round stones with a blue color


Being patient is important in all aspects of life. Being patient with people, tasks, time, and even yourself is an essential attribute for responsibilty and even respect. Building stone towers represents a patient task

A smiley faced ball in a pink background


Being positive in all aspects of life ensures that you enjoy the ups and downs. A simple happy face is enough to remind you of the importance of positivity, hence the picture

Image of Analog Clock

Be Present

Apprecite the past, and anticipate the future, but do not dwel in either. The present is the only constant

 Winter Forest

Accept Change

Like the seasons, change is the only constant in life. Accept change and you will feel less stress

 Painted board of childrens' hands

Kindness is Free

When you only have one life, why spend it being bitter? Kindness is always free, you never know what somebody is experiencing

hard work

Hard Work

In life, nothing comes easy. Everything you do requires hard work, which will pay off in the long run



To be successful in life, you need to have the mentality to work for it.No other option other than to focus


Calm Down

Stressing about certain situations won't help you succeed. When you fail, just stay calm and try again.You focus better in a calm mindset



Friendly and Powerful



Equality and eternity



Free to fly in sky

 travel to different countries


The reason for this being must 1.Is cause after grauating i want to see other countries and not just see the USA

 Teach high schoolers


The reason teaching was a must to cause I get to help other show respect and I want to raise the graduation rates at my former high school

 win a cif championship


The reason that must 3 is win a cif football championship.Is cause my former high has never won a cif football championship

purple nature

Must 1

Enjoy nature more, and be more present within its' gifts. Modern day techknowledgy can only make you feel so much, and can make you loose everything within a moment. Nature connects the soul, mind, and spirit to time, our loved ones, and ourselves. The purity of nature cleanses so allow yourself to sit and become at peace with not being able to control what you see in front of you

blue elephant

Must 2

Be able to surpass your ego, and learn from your loved ones mistakes, especially those older than you. They are the present view of your possible future mistakes. Listening and applying their lessons not only sways you from possible mistakes, but keeps your family close to you as well. By exercising their morals and wisdom, you keep that loved ones' goodness close to your heart and mind. With this, they will always be with you

yellow books

Must 3

Ready more, and by doing so, you exercise your mind in creativity. Books took time to write, allow yourself to recognize and appreciate that dedication. You open your mind to other's hard work, learn about what goes on behind other people's heads, and take life at a slower pace by reading word for word, and soaking in the meaning of those scentences, and can physically see the beauty of words on paper, better allowing you to see the same in people's spoken words

A pair of glasses, a laptop, and an empty to-do list on a desk.


As my first rule is to be organized, a clean mind is a happy mind. From organizing your room, to even organizing your planner for school; being able to see everything laid out and broken to be legible helps you tackle on projects with more confidence. It puts more accountability on you to complete those tasks and helps prevent you from being overwhelmed from huge papers or large group projects

A man standing in the darkness with painted tears coming down one side of his face.


As my second rule is to cry, I mean in a healthy way. I understand that college, a full time job, and just life can be super stressful. There are times when we get so frustrated, painful, and depressive that giving up sounds more easier than ever. When those times arrive, I'd advise to cry. Take time out of your day, either a hour or so; just to cry and write down what's been stressing you out or making you worried in a journal. Once your finished and have a clearer mind, you can read it over to dispel those fears and create a plan to keep you going

Two friends having a drink outside.


As my third rule is to connect, I mean to make as many friends as you can. While I understand making friends is hard, either your schedule is packed or you're an introvert; it can be pretty lonely. As I work while I go to school, I barely have any time to make new friends or meet anyone because I'm so worried about being or too tired to do anything because of homework. I've never felt so lonely when I'm surrounded by so many people. In the end, making at least one friend within your class is nice to have a small connection to keep you from spiraling from loneliness

full meal

Eat Meals

Food is very important for mental and physical health and performance. If you wanna do your best try and get at least 2 full meals a day (coffee and snacks do not count)

woman breathing

Fresh Air

The air changes with the season and weather, while you're walking outside, take some deep breaths and notice those differences

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Stay Connected

It's easy to get wrapped up in (school) work and grow distant with family and friends. Humans are social creatures, even the introverts need someone there for them. Don’t lose touch with the important people in your life



One of my musts is to always be ambitious and never limit myself or let others limit what I can or cannot do



Another one of my musts is kidness. I will always show kindess to anyone and everyone because we never know if someone has it worse than we do



My third must is to always have strength. To always have the strength to take on everything that life throws at me and to overcome everything


Throw trash to the bin

Throwing the trash to the bin is a non written rule. I think it is very important to keep the cities and places cleaned by making this easy step


Keep silence when someone is sleeping

To be in silence when someone is sleeping is an act of respect, and I think everyone should do this


Respect the line

To respect your position in a line is also a respectfull act that is easy and everybody should do it

Optimism, smiling balloons


You must be optimisitic because attitude is evrything, if you automatically assume the worst or pray for the worst, the worst will happen. If you keep a positive attitude and mindset then you will be happy and things will go better because you have a good attitude.Attitude and optimism are key and a must in any situation!

 determintation, running group


Determination is key because you must stay determined and keep your head up. If you are not determined to accomplish your goals then they will not be accomplished. Determination is very important especially when working towards a goal such as graduating college, finishing a race, or earning certification in a field of work. It takes determination to accomplish what we want so that is why it is a must always!

teamwork, fist bump


Teamwork is very important because communction is found in every job.You must know how to work with a team and have someone to rely on when you need them. Working together is a key feature in any job or setting and it is a skill you must have!

 faith image with hands and cross


Having faith in yourself and religion is the most important. To believe in something greater than yourself and explore it with others

 Flying doves


Having the freedom to be with whoever you want and include the people that really matter and fly with them together to gain freedom in soul and body. It will being those who matter closer to your heart

 plants gworing outwards


Constantly growing as a person and allow it to happen. Not letting others constrain you to what they might believe are your limits. It will help out in the long run so a person can flourish



It is very important to always keep a postive mindset and to always keep growing. The more we grow in life the more we expand our horizons

 Plane in Sky


The concept of traveling is very important to explore differnt places and new cultures

Books opening, leading to new horizons


The last must have, is the access to education. No matter how or when you get it. It is important to maintain your eyes open and mind open to allow oneself to continue to nourish and thrive on education

 Be Confident

Must be Confident

Everyone must be confident in order to succeed. If that person can not even trust in themselves then who will trust them?

 Dress Well

Must Dress Well

Dressing well will make others have a better feeling toward you. Most importantly, you would feel better toward yourself!

 Work Hard

Must Work Hard

Working hard is the most simple and the most hard way to success. Taking things step by steps = working hard

 Rose on sheet music

Expressing Passion

Life is too short to not express yourself doing whatever it is you love. Show the world what matters to you

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Experience Nature

In a society with advanced technology it is important to connect with nature. To experience the warmth and light of the outside world rather then a cold screen

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Enjoy the Small Things

People are now too focus on the bigger piture they miss whats in front of them. It is important to appreciate waht keeps us going on a day to day basis



Respect is essencial to drive in sociaty and have a nice relationships with other people

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Adaptation is essencial to be able to overcome any obstacle and in diferent envioroment

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Empathy is essencial since be able to put in shoes of other people helps to make a better world

Women putting her seatbelt on beofre driving.

Must Wear a Seatbelt

My first must- wearing a seltbelt. This is my biggest fear -flighing out the front window. Im always going to choose saftey and wear my seatbelt

 Green leaf with vitamins on it.

Must Take Vitamins

This one is silly but I want to keep my health well. I take daily supplements to continuously work its magic. Ive noticed small improvements in my health as well

 Women praying

Must Pray

My final must do is praying. Every night before going to sleep I say a prayer. I feel like this is an important must in my life



Respect is important as it defines how you treat others and how you get treated in return. I try to give respect to everyone unless they do something that makes me stop respected them



I always try to learn new things. There is never a time to stop learning and there is no such thing as a useless skill



It is important to always remain strongin life. One must remain true to themselves no matter the pressure

Man finishing a hike triumphantly


Without purpose or drive, we cannot bring out the best of ourselves. Find a reason that pushes and motivates you and use it to become better

Dandelion in field


Exploring and finding new passions is one of the most important parts in making the most out of life. Through finding what we love we can make connections, memories, and carve new paths for ourselves

Eagle flying over forest


Spreading our wings and being willing to venture into something new we've never seen before is essential to truly being free. Having the freedom to do what the heart desires grants endless opportunities

meditation as a part of positive energy


Positivity during struggle. When times are tough, positivity will allow you to push through



Determination is key. Working hard to reach your goals is the only way to do it

Being kind


Be a good person at heart. Good karma will follow you

 A peaceful beach

Be Calm

Embrace serenity in the heart of chaos. Let your breath guide you to tranquility amidst turmoil. Find strength in stillness, as calm waters reflect the deepest clarity


Be Energetic

Channel the vigor of the wind in your sails, pushing you forward in life's race. Leap into each day with the energy of a champion, relentless in pursuit of your goals. In the rhythm of your heartbeat, find the power to conquer and the spirit to triumph

 A curious baby

Be Curiosity

Explore life with the eyes of a child, finding wonder in the simplest moments. Ask, seek, and delve deeper, for every corner of life hides a story waiting to be uncovered. Let your curiosity lead you to unexpected joys, for in the quest of the unknown lies the magic of living

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Ensure that you are on top of your assignments with adequate time-managment skills

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Maintaing discipline will allow you to keep your priorities set and allow you to continue with your set goals

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Mental and physical health is important, make sure to take care of yourself

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Living mindfully involves being fully present in each moment, paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings

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Living authentically means being true to yourself, your beliefs, and your values

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Living purposefully involves setting meaningful goals and actively working towards them


Good food

As a seatbelt is needed to keep you safe in a car, good food keeps you safe in your heart. As well as giving your body the sustenance you need to keep moving

man with his ox


Persistence is key to all things, as nothing is free and alot of things do not come easily. To be persistent when it comes to skills and challeges can be the difference of mastering those obstacles in your path

 relaxing dog

Take it easy

To take it easy does not mean to be lazy, just to not be so hard on yourself, as there is enough judgment thrown around to begin with. As well as helping you clear your mind and inevitably get through your challeges

 positive mindset

Positive Mindset

A positive mindset in life is really important. When you have a positive mindset that allows you to accomplish everything that you can. It also radiates good energy that other people can pick up on which will allow them to have a better day just based off your energy



Strength is important to have. It is more than being physcially strong but also mentally. When you are mentally strong you don't let things affect you and you can accomplish eveyrthing that you set your mind too



It is important to have wisdom. When you are wise you don't think about the short term you think about the long term. You make the right decsisons for yourselves and for your family which is also really important

 Love Yourself

Love Yourself

Though I may meet people that may not like me, it is most important to love myself. I am with myself my entire life, and it is important to love who I am and who will be with me for the rest of my life

 Dont' give up

Don't Give Up

Whatever harm may come my way, the only way that I will be able to overcome the hardships is if I don't give up and keep looking towards my goal. If I give up, I will be able to accomplish nothing in life so it is important to keep stepping forward and making every effort count

 Treat others with kindness

Treat Others With Kindness

There is no harm in treating others with kindness, it will only do good in the long run where I will be able to build good relationships and also grow as a person. If I continue to treat others the way I want to be treated, I will be able to get the treatment I deserve


Time Management

The first must I have for life is Time Management. I chose time management because it is the one thing that has saved me many times, especially in college. When you manage your time well it prevents you from getting overwhelmed and having missing assignments

 reserved dinner table

Me Dates

My second must in life is Me Dates. Me dates are exactly what they sound like, you take yourself on a date. This can be anything but you basically engage in multiple different forms of self care, which I have done in my own life and it has helped me a lot

 Money Plant

Finacial Planning

My third must in life is finacial planning. Everything in life now cost an arm and a leg, and being reckless with your finaces can be the difference between living in an apartment or a shelter. So finacial planning can help you so much, I have personally started and it has save my but more than once

balloons with smiles

Always Smile

Life is too short to be angry or in a bad mood. You should always find time to smile

holding hand

Always Be Kind

You should always be kind to everyone, at anytime. One small act of kindness can make someone's entire day

woman sitting freely

Always Be Yourself

There is no one you need to impress. It is important to be yurs



Exercising is good for your physical and mental health and helps people feel better about themselves. Best way to blow off steam

positive mindset

Positive Mindset

Having a positive mindset is a healthy mindset. It powers you to do more and be more



Discpline is a form of self respect. If you can not discpline yourself, there is nothing to accomplish

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Must 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 2

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 3

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 1

The first must is a crucifix which signifies my faith. Trusting God has gotten me to where I need to go in life

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Must 2

The second must is to be kind because it truly signifies what can be done to an entirety of the human race. It is such an important quality to have

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Must 3

The third must is to always be loving. Spread the love wherever I go because I truly have a lot of it to give



Become more patient with the world and the situations I am put into


Must 2

Become more motivated to strive for the best in everything I do



Use as much positivity as I can towards my self and towards others

 Overcoming Fear

Must 1: Overcoming fears in your life

Overcoming fears in one's life is critical because without that force of commitment, then the person would not know what they can accomplish. It is something good to live by because there are many obstacles in a person's path whether it is in the future or current

 Setting a Purpose

Must 2: Setting a Purpose

Setting puposes and goals is a critical aspect that one must consider. Without setting aside the time to think and set their goals, they would linger and not be as driven as they can be

 Healthy Choices and Lifestyle

Must 3: Healthy Choices and Lifestyle

Healthy choices and a life style is important to the benefit of everyone. It should be important to prioritize this in one's life even if it takes some effort, but it would lead to an effect in their life

 group laughing duotone

Spending time with loved ones

One of my Musts in life would be spending time with the people I love. It gives me a chance to relax and recharge my social batterties for the outside world. It also gives me a chance to connect with these people when I have hectic schedules

 Woman working at desk

Set goals and achieve them

Another one of my Musts is setting goals and achieving them. The important part being setting goals that are achievable, so you don't feel discouraged when you don't. When you achieve a goal, even a small one, it encourages you to push forward more

duotone time management

Time Management

The last Must on my list is time management. While I'm still working on learning this one, it is an important one to have. It helps me organize myself and manage things like work, homework, classes, and spending time with my loved ones

 Desktop Computer displaying the phrase 'do more'

Move with Purpose

Always find purpose in who you are, what you say, and why you proceed. Move with purpose and you will get further in life. Find the purpose within and let it guide you to your biggest accomplishments

 Two hands reaching for eachother

Build Relationships

Relationships come in all shapes and forms. Build relations with whoever you cross paths with. Whether it's friends, family, coworkers, peers, or a partner. Be there for them and let them be there for you

 Spolight focused on a clock at a train station dock with a blurred running train in the background

Live a Lifetime

Time is the most priceless resource in your lifetime. Learn to manage and use it to your advantage. Remember the past and become your present because a clock only spins foward as time continues. Spend it wisely



We must give ourselves a chance to love and have a partner in life. We all deserve someone to share our happiness with and a chance to create happy memories with them


Have a family

No matter where we find ourselves we must have a family in which we can confide in. During our lifetime we will have ups and downs and it is our family who will always be there to support us no matter what

 dream big

Dream Big

Knowing that everyday is another opportunity for us to live and do what we wish. We must always dream big and follow those dreams that will help us reach that happiness

 follow your passion text on image of businessman

Follow your Passion

Living a purpose-driven life involves aligning our actions and goals with our deepest values, interests, and aspirations. Pursuing our passions gives us a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and vitality, infusing our lives with meaning and excitement. Whether it's through our careers, hobbies, creative pursuits, or volunteer work, engaging in activities that resonate with our passions and values enables us to tap into our full potential and make a positive impact on the world around us

 two hands shaking

Act with Integrity

Integrity forms the foundation of trust and respect in both personal and professional relationships. It entails aligning our actions with our values, principles, and moral compass. Acting with integrity means being honest, accountable, and consistent in our words and deeds, even when no one is watching

 learning stock image

Embrace Learning

Life is an ongoing journey of growth and development. Each day presents opportunities to expand our knowledge, skills, and perspectives. By actively seeking new experiences, asking questions, and remaining curious, we can enrich our lives and adapt to the ever-changing world around us

hands together


Having no enemies is key to togetherness. Always forgive and understand, though the person might be going through internal and mental challenges

reflection of eagle

Seizing Opportunity

Just like an eagle sets its sights on its prey, it stays the course until it captures it. It symbolizes the value of perseverance and relentlessness in pursuing our dreams



Respect is to be giving and sharing, following the example of the buffalo who gave its whole being for the life in of the people

people hugging


Love for our fellow human beings is so very crucial. Everyone has their own demons and trials that we may never see, so it is important that we treat everyone with love and respect to uplift each other rather than tear them down. As the Beatles said, "Love is all you need."

man mows lawn for neighbor


Service can be something as small as holding the door for someone or as large as saving someone from a natural disaster. Whatever it may be, the most important part about it is not what you do, but how you make someone feel and the impression you leave upon them

yin and yang symbol


In everything we do, there must always be a balance. We should strive to be good, but that is obviously not always possible. This does not make us bad people, it makes us human, this is why we must balance out our natural flaws with good things to envigorate and uplift us

 open minded

Open Minded

Being open-minded entails being receptive to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences without prejudice or judgment. It involves a willingness to consider diverse viewpoints and adapt one's beliefs in light of new information

 Stay Calm

Stay Calm

Staying calm allows individuals to think more clearly, make rational decisions, and effectively manage stressful situations. It promotes inner peace and resilience, contributing to improved mental and physical well-being

 Free and Happy

Free and Happy

Being free allows individuals to pursue their passions, express themselves authentically, and live life on their own terms, fostering a sense of liberation and fulfillment. Happiness often flourishes in the absence of constraints, enabling people to embrace joy, cultivate meaningful relationships, and find contentment in their experiences

Embrace Change

Embrace Change

Be open to change and adaptable to new circumstances. View challenges as opportunities for growth and learning

Practice Gratitude

Practice Gratitude

Cultivate a habit of gratitude for what you have, big or small. Acknowledging the good in your life can transform your perspective and open doors to more positivity

Foster Connections

Foster Connections

Invest in relationships and build a supportive community around you. Meaningful connections with others enrich your life experience and provide strength in difficult times

man exercising


It is important for me to stay physically active through various forms of exercise. This typically involves going to the gym four times a week for three to five hours. I typically do a combination of exercises including weight lifting to build more muscles mass, cardio through running on a treadmill or elliptical for 1-2 hours, and a swim to cool down

Healthy food

Eating Healthy

To stay healthy I try to maintain a diet of plenty of vegetables and protein. I like avacados, tomatoes, arugula, and green onions. I also eat eggs everyday for protein as they are cheap and easy prepare

Winter forest

Spend Time in Nature

The world is full of many beautiful sites and places to explore, particularly in mother nature. I love to go hiking and fishing a lot so I spend a lot of time in nature, particularly to lakes, and anywhere with a lot of trees, animals, and vegetation. Spending time in nature allows for me to relieve my stress and is often a good source of pictures for my social media websites

 must 1


Learning is the foundation for personal development and progress. It opens the door to new opportunities, broadens our understanding, and equips us with the skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the world. A commitment to lifelong learning encourages curiosity and innovation, allowing individuals to adapt to change and overcome challenges. By embracing a learning mindset, we can continuously grow and improve, contributing positively to our personal lives and the society at large

 must 2


Respect is vital for creating harmonious interactions and relationships. It involves acknowledging the dignity, feelings, and rights of others, regardless of their background, beliefs, or status. Respect lays the groundwork for trust and understanding, enabling individuals to work together effectively. It fosters an environment where everyone feels valued and heard, promoting cooperation and reducing conflicts. Cultivating respect in our daily lives enhances our interpersonal connections and contributes to a more inclusive and equitable community

must 3


Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, is essential for compassion and connection. It enables us to see the world from another's perspective, bridging gaps in communication and fostering deeper relationships. Empathy encourages kindness and support, helping us to respond to others with care and sensitivity. In a world that often feels divided, empathy can be a powerful force for healing and unity, reminding us of our shared humanity and the importance of caring for one another



Patience is a virtue that leads to resilience and understanding. It teaches us to endure delays and setbacks with grace, knowing that everything happens in its own time. By practicing patience, we cultivate inner peace and foster stronger relationships with others. Embracing patience allows us to navigate life's challenges with wisdom and composure, leading to greater fulfillment and success in the long run



Peace is more than just the absence of conflict; it's a state of harmony and tranquility within ourselves and with the world around us. In our hectic lives, it's essential to prioritize moments of stillness and reflection. By cultivating peace within, we can radiate positivity and compassion to others, fostering a more harmonious and understanding society. Let us strive to embrace peace as a guiding principle in our interactions and endeavors, creating a world filled with serenity and goodwill



Passion fuels our journey through life, igniting our souls with purpose and vitality. It's the driving force behind our dreams and aspirations, pushing us to pursue excellence and embrace challenges with enthusiasm. When we align our actions with our passions, we unlock our fullest potential and find fulfillment in every endeavor. Let us embrace our passions wholeheartedly, for they are the guiding stars that illuminate our path and lead us to a life of meaning and joy

Future and Career

Future and Career

I must get ready for what is in store for my future and my career because I play a hand into my fate

What Is Next for Me

What Is Next for Me

I must prepare to be shed selfishness in favor of family life as I intend to give my all to my children and their mother

I Need To Be

I Need To Be...

I must be wiser, stronger, smarter, braver, but most importantly for the betterment of myself and others, I need to be better

 duotone redwood


Change does not happen overnight. And neither also do not mature overnight, they take time to grow. To build myself up, it takes time, there is no need to rush

 duotone sunflower


There is always another day. See the best in situations, as to use as motivation. Not necessarily blind, but realistic optimism keep my world bright

 duotone wolf


Times will be tough, and times won't be easy. It does not mean that I will not do the best I can. I will try as many times as it takes to succeed


My Car

I love my car very much and it is a must have. My car gets me from place to place and it really is a comfort place for me. Whenever I feel stressed or overwhelmed I love to go for a drive and listen to some music. I'd say it is a great way for me to clear my mind. -JR


My Dog

My dogs are a must have for me as well because they are a source of comfort for me as well. Whenever I am feeling overwhelmed because of my homework or schoolwork in general, I take a step back and go and hug my little dogs. A have a white pomeranian and a cute mutt. Simply petting them relaxes me. -JR



Every night ends with skincare for me. I look forward to doing my skincare routine because it makes my skin feel so good and hydrated. I feel like doing skincare is relaxing for me. A lot of people enjoy doing their makeup, however, I prefer doing my skincare at the end of the night and look forward to it. -JR

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Must 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 2

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat

 add descriptive alt text here

Must 3

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

Hikers climbing a Mountain

Mountain Climbing

My first must have includes the word and moral principles surrounding perserverence, as the world is throwing us different challenges every day I believed that I was successful through perservering everytime. Therefore, like the mountain climbers tackling the impossible climbing task, I will have that heart as I complete my last quarter

A Person swearing an Oath


Honesty would be my second "must have" as in this life so far I learned how important honesty truly is. Meaning, as we are presented with more responsiblities each day it's up to us to tackle each task with as much honesty to produce the most effective results

Hands handing Hearts


To be kind would be my third "must have" as the world has become a more "self-love" proclaimed society there is now lesser room for kindness and empathy for other people. Therefore, I believe that having kindess all the time would allow everyone to reach one another in a respected way, as always


Be with Nature

I learned life may be difficult and it is very easy to be caught up on our day to day lifes. However it is best to take some time to be with nature and understand there is more to life then what we are fixated on


Embrace our inner child

As we grow it may be easy to feel we must grow up and not appreciate the things we did as kid. However as we grow up it is vital we do so, and appreciate the childish stuff as watching cartoons, as it gives us a better outlook on life


Enjoy our family time

We must always appreciate our family no matter the circumstance. Whenever we get caught up in our daily lives it is vital to keep in contact with our family and express our gradtitudes for our elders who allowed us to be who we are today

Many Lego heads


Humanity - our rational faculties are to be preserved as we will otherwise cease act as a human would

 add descriptive alt text here


Life is the filter trough which anything else is experienced. The most valuable of all. Life is the set of all sets that contain all value. Making it the most valuable

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Do not die, and to not die, you must live

Letting Go of a Feather

Let Go

Learn to recognise when it is time to let go when something is hurting you. Giving up is much different from letting go. Letting go allows for growth

Man laying with respect text

Unconditionally Respect

Always give respect. Even when the person or people don't deserve it. It makes you stronger in the face of evil

hopscotch start

Starting is the key

Start as soon as possible. Many of us know what we should be doing but don't do it. Why? Start small and work your way up. But the key is starting

Turtle Symbol

Must 1

Symbol of longevity, wisdom, and protection, navigatingn through life's challenges

Beach Symbol

Must 2

Symbolizes relaxation, freedom, and connection to nature

Dragon Symbol

Must 3

Symbolizes protection, good fortunem and the ability to bring balance to the world

Person on top of a mountain alone

Be Independent

It is important to rely on others but don't forget about yourself. You must do things by yourself and for yourself

narrow bridge over cliff

Be Confident

Life is scary and full of uncertainties. You must have the confidence that you will be able to accomplish anything, even things that seem scary

piles of neatly stacked rocks by the beach

Have Patience

Everything moves so fast but you need to have patience. Not everything works out right away and it's okay to take your time